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let's spice things up

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so this forum is showing verrrry little activity. I've been using much of my procrastination time over on SDN where everything is all UPenn this, Uof P that....lets get some convo going from us Canadians!


Where's everyone applying ? (UBC deadline passed, McGIll is this thurs btw)


What's your dream pick? Why? (family, $, program perks, social life, rumoured level of attractiveness of people at the school?)


Now that the DAT and midterms are done, how's everyone filling their spare time? (I've got way more on my hands and am pondering how to fill it, other than hitting the gym/hottub/sauna more):cool:


Let's take a break from application woes and GPA worries and discuss something (ie. anything) less stressful!

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good call sloken.. i need to get a life. I am sick of checking my email and mail every hour.. already without even getting the DAT scores.

So lets relax for a bit. lets try atleast. Yeah, I am with you on that... gyming is the best way to relieve stress. Spending a lot of time there and getting into even better shape!


I will be done applying to all the schools today.

Looking for a better job and saving money to go to Europe!

My dream school? UWO, Mcgill, UBC... are all dream schools. It doesnt even matter where you go, all these schools are awesome.


What abouts have you been upto sloken? Are you done with school?

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so this forum is showing verrrry little activity. I've been using much of my procrastination time over on SDN where everything is all UPenn this, Uof P that....lets get some convo going from us Canadians!


Where's everyone applying ? (UBC deadline passed, McGIll is this thurs btw)


What's your dream pick? Why? (family, $, program perks, social life, rumoured level of attractiveness of people at the school?)


Now that the DAT and midterms are done, how's everyone filling their spare time? (I've got way more on my hands and am pondering how to fill it, other than hitting the gym/hottub/sauna more):cool:


Let's take a break from application woes and GPA worries and discuss something (ie. anything) less stressful!

Yes, these forums are dead but trust me lurking wise, well speaking on behalf of myself, it's pretty active LOL


I'm applying to UWO and UofT

I don't have a dream pick, that is, I don't care where I go I just want to get it. Beggars can't be choosers!

but I'm going to list what the pros of each choice are (no cons because dental school is awesome)


1. I'll get to live away from home with my sister and get to experience that away from home experience I never got by staying home for undergrad.

2. I've also heard (well read in this forum) that UWO has better labs and equipment than uoft



1. It's UofT DUH (the name)

2. I get to stay in the greatest city on earth TORONTO! (I love Toronto, and I don't care what anyone says lol)

3.It's cheaper because I'll be living at home but meh no biggie, that's why it's #3 and not #1


My midterms may be over but most of my courses are cumulative so I have to start studying for exams since my exams are in the early part of the exam period (boooooo), plus I have labs to do and a lab exam, so it's like never ending :( but i still do make time to lurk the forums :)

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if i got accepted to every school i applied to, my list would be:

1) UWO or McGill, cant decide (a bunch of friends that go to each school and tell me GREAT things about them)

2) Toronto (ive got uncles/aunts/cousins that live in toronto that I'd love to live near)

3) UBC or manitoba....


I've lived in BC my entire life and need to get the eff outta here, i'm goin nuts. Just caught sight of Sydney University's BDent program and it's got me intrigued. Been trying to keep busy figuring out a trip w/my best buddy to either south america or europe in may.


I've got a couple taping and palpation exams for an hkin class coming up, but other than that, nothin serious....just pluggin away and dreaming of may....



BTW 8 dollar pitchers at lunchtime are a great idea. or bad. depending on your outlook.

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Hmm... good luck to everyone.. I guess there is no dream school to be exact, just the school you ended up going to. For me, I wanted to go to UT because it is home for me, but at the end i picked UWO (i paid my $2k donation to UT, because of their earlier acceptance)

I am done with dental school now specializing. It has been great at western, there are ups and downs during the 4 years, but made a bunch great friendship and a referral network (I hope, when I am done my specialty)


Buy Vapormatic

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I applied to UBC and I'm going to apply to U of T.


I prefer UBC because I've heard great things about the program, and I'd be able to stay home, close to friends and family. At the same time, I totally agree with sloken...I too have lived in BC my whole life and feel like getting away for a bit.


I've graduated, so I'm basically free to do whatever I want. I work at a dental office part time, but outside of work, I'm starting to get bored...considering taking up a new hobby lol

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...which you don't get to use till year 3, yet still pay 46G's in tuition for for year 1 and 2...


yeah well, we're helping pay for it for when we do get to use it in 3rd and 4th year lol. i dunno, when there's a clear preference, i wouldn't really make my decision of which school to go to based on how much it costs...

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yeah well, we're helping pay for it for when we do get to use it in 3rd and 4th year lol. i dunno, when there's a clear preference, i wouldn't really make my decision of which school to go to based on how much it costs...


Yes shouldn't based on cost, Should based on which school accepts you.. Beside who is to say which school is better quality education? (all meet accreditation standards)


Mazda porter history

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  • 3 weeks later...

My days lately have consisted of studying at school in the mornings and most afternoons, gym in the evening, followed by hottub, sauna, then a beer at home while reading more notes.


Had a dinner party and some ill dates with a new girl to spice my nights up over the last 2 weeks.


Just wrote my comparative enviromental phyl exam this afternoon, so I'm pretty stoked to get that out of the way...it's easy cruising from her on in.

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My days lately have consisted of studying at school in the mornings and most afternoons, gym in the evening, followed by hottub, sauna, then a beer at home while reading more notes.


Had a dinner party and some ill dates with a new girl to spice my nights up over the last 2 weeks.


Just wrote my comparative enviromental phyl exam this afternoon, so I'm pretty stoked to get that out of the way...it's easy cruising from here on in.

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...which you don't get to use till year 3, yet still pay 46G's in tuition for for year 1 and 2...


Believe you me, I'm no advocate of the outrageously high tuition cost at UBC, but that was actually a decision made by the students in previous years: spread out the costs over four years rather than just during 3rd & 4th year. Somebody actually asked that during the talk before the interviews last year.

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I have an exam tomorrow hahaha.


Where's everyone applying ?

1. U of T

2. UWO


What's your dream pick? Why? (family, $, program perks, social life, rumoured level of attractiveness of people at the school?)

U of T


a) basically all my friends are at the GTA.

B) I already have a potential roomie.

c) I know people in the faculty already.

d) I love Toronto!

(and e) I secretly love U of T so much that I can't bear to leave them after so many years of torture ahem ahem)


THat's NOT to say that I don't want to go into UWO. Hear that, UWO? Don't cross me off the list!!


Now that the DAT and midterms are done, how's everyone filling their spare time?

Exam is tomorrow. Otherwise I have my research project.

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