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dat scores are out!!!

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sorry to hear about the carving. I had the same thing happen to me last year (got a 14), and even paid the whole $50 score confirmation fee. Buuut they said it was the correct score. My only guess is that somehow I managed to rotate a saddle or notch by 90 or 180 degrees on the soap...


AHHH I cannot wait to check my mail now. Do you live in Eastern Canada? I'm in vancouver and am thinking it might take an extra day or 2 to arrive here...maybe more during the holiday canada post overload...

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anyone take the DAT at the uft location and find their carving scores to be really f*ed up? my friend and I took it there and we both kill the carving, its awesome all the time but we are SHOCKED with our scores.


i took it there and got a 4

yea i really effed up this DAT, the only thing that went up was my reading comp (20) everything else went down

oh well

I guess I'm rewriting it again this feb or next nov, and there goes my chances of getting an interview at UofT maybe western because of my reading comp, but it's slim

I'm pretty disappointed

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omgsh i got a 4 too! i wrote it at u of t, and though i didn't really care about getting a good score on that... i really didn't think i did that badly on it. i say something is fishy... lol


HIGH FIVE! yea my soap was pretty ****ty, but I didn't think it was that bad, as in a FOUR LOL, oh well, the only reason I'm not too worried is that UWO nor UofT looks at it, but you know, getting low kinda takes a blow at your self-esteem, it would've been nice to do better.

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amazing scores!


thanks, i was surprised to be honest. i knew i didn't do so well on the chemistry part, but i still wished i did better... do you think that the 18 will hinder my chances?


my best 2 years for UofT is 3.90 (i'm in my fourth year, so i get to drop 1 year, right?... if not, my three year average is 3.87)

my average for UWO is 88%... but i wasn't always full-time, so i'm gonna receive a penalty for that...

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thanks, i was surprised to be honest. i knew i didn't do so well on the chemistry part, but i still wished i did better... do you think that the 18 will hinder my chances?


my best 2 years for UofT is 3.90 (i'm in my fourth year, so i get to drop 1 year, right?... if not, my three year average is 3.87)

my average for UWO is 88%... but i wasn't always full-time, so i'm gonna receive a penalty for that...

I think you should be fine for UWO, despite the penalty, for UofT I'd say you'd have a good shot, seeing that your gpa is 3.90, remember the DAT isn't worth that much, isn't it only worth 15%? It's mostly GPA, which you definately have (and I wish I had lol) so I wouldn't sweat it. If i were you I'd start preparing for interviews, because that's how confident I'd be.

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hey guys,


First post here. I studied very hard for about two weeks for the DAT and I am just wondering if my scores are acceptable. I don't know how competitive it is to get into dentistry, esepcially since class sizes are so small-- and I only applied uofT and UWO.




RC: 21

Bio: 21

Chem: 26

Science Total: 22

Academic Avg: 23

Perception: 19

Carving: 15 (does it matter? i dont know)


I think these are good scores, judging by the scaling sheet we got, but can someone with experience please share a thought. Thanks, and best of luck to everyone else.

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hey guys,


First post here. I studied very hard for about two weeks for the DAT and I am just wondering if my scores are acceptable. I don't know how competitive it is to get into dentistry, esepcially since class sizes are so small-- and I only applied uofT and UWO.




RC: 21

Bio: 21

Chem: 26

Science Total: 22

Academic Avg: 23

Perception: 19

Carving: 15 (does it matter? i dont know)


I think these are good scores, judging by the scaling sheet we got, but can someone with experience please share a thought. Thanks, and best of luck to everyone else.


wow, your scores are awesome! they completely outshine mine. being on this forum freaks me out to be quite honest :s.

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wow, your scores are awesome! they completely outshine mine. being on this forum freaks me out to be quite honest :s.


Thanks kozmik.


I didn't know if my scores were alright... I checked the rockthedat site, and they said a MID-20 is a competitive score. I was like 25-straight is just "competitive"?! Thats hard to get! Well, thanks for the prompt response.


So is that a "don't re-write"? Thanks again...

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i JUST got mine.. I liver in Ottawa so I guess it'll arrive to us first since the CDA center is in Ottawa...


This is how I did:

RC = 22

BIO = 21

CHEM = 18 :S

SCI.TOT. = 20

AA = 20

PAT = 22

CARVING = 23 (WTF? I thought i failed it :|...)


These look pretty sharp too! Well done!


I like your PAT score a lot, and your carving pwns mine. Congrats!

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Thanks kozmik.


I didn't know if my scores were alright... I checked the rockthedat site, and they said a MID-20 is a competitive score. I was like 25-straight is just "competitive"?! Thats hard to get! Well, thanks for the prompt response.


So is that a "don't re-write"? Thanks again...


oh my gosh, don't rewrite!! i'm so sure you'll get in (i'm under the assumption that your GPA rocks peoples socks too :P)


oh, and UofT and UWO don't look at carving at all

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I think you should be fine for UWO, despite the penalty, for UofT I'd say you'd have a good shot, seeing that your gpa is 3.90, remember the DAT isn't worth that much, isn't it only worth 15%? It's mostly GPA, which you definately have (and I wish I had lol) so I wouldn't sweat it. If i were you I'd start preparing for interviews, because that's how confident I'd be.


thanks for your compliments. i must say that you're way more of an optimist than i am :)

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I just got my DAT scroes yesterday:


RC = 18

BIO = 23

CHM = 19

PAT = 22

AA = 20

CArving = 23


I'm really disappointed with my RC score :( But you cant do anythign about it at this point. I also wrote my test at U of T. To those that got a low score on the carving, dont worry too much. I know a few ppl who have been accepted at UofT in passed years who had below avg. carving scores.

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overall im fairly happy with me scores. I didnt really change that much from last year with the exception of reading comp. plus it seems like my entire summer of carving didnt pay off ( i onlyimproved one point...I will never understand how they mark it, I know FOR SURE that I did a way better job than last year).


carving - 15

bio - 18

chem - 19

PAT - 22

RC - 30

AA - 22

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overall im fairly happy with me scores. I didnt really change that much from last year with the exception of reading comp. plus it seems like my entire summer of carving didnt pay off ( i onlyimproved one point...I will never understand how they mark it, I know FOR SURE that I did a way better job than last year).


carving - 15

bio - 18

chem - 19

PAT - 22

RC - 30

AA - 22


My eyebrows arched so bad when I saw your RC score. Good job!

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