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dat scores are out!!!

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Hi guys! Does anybody know what the DAT cutoffs were for UWO last year (for reading and AA)? I just got my scores, and am kind of scared :S


Bio: 19

Chem: 17

Reading: 19 (cutoff????)

AA: 18 (cutoff????)

Perceptual: 20

Carving: 26


Total: 101


Are we supposed to total up the sections? How did you get 101? When I add all 6 sections together, I got 119. Maybe my math is off.


Great carving BTW. ;)

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Arnie - thanks for the congrats. I came out of the RC section knowing I had done well mainly because I had a good background in 2 of the 3 topics, but I too was surprised at that score. I guess it makes up for my alright bio/chem...


And as for your Q about pre_dentgalès addition, Im pretty sure you dont count the AA in the addition, which would be why she came up with 101. if you take a look at http://www.schulich.uwo.ca/dentistry/docs/Statistics-Class2011.htm , youll see that its a composite score over 5 sections, not 6.

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overall im fairly happy with me scores. I didnt really change that much from last year with the exception of reading comp. plus it seems like my entire summer of carving didnt pay off ( i onlyimproved one point...I will never understand how they mark it, I know FOR SURE that I did a way better job than last year).


carving - 15

bio - 18

chem - 19

PAT - 22

RC - 30

AA - 22

sloken, congrats on the RC and PAT!!!! WOW a 30!@!!!!! thats friggggin awesome. How did you manage to do that? Are you a natural? Do you read first and then answer qs or do you skim and answer questions?


Congrats on the scores!

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dmd2012 - thanks again. I read the entire passage first, hilighting important dates or names, and underlining important concepts. I got extremely lucky with the passage topics though, I happened to remember a bit about heisenberg uncertainty, I had seen a wackload of practice passages on amalgam, and Ive played piano for 10 years.


Obviously Im super-stoked on the 30 ....but i have had an annoying thought keep crossing my mind...lets say 2 candidates have an equal AA. one did really well in bio and chem and so-so in reading, and the other did really well in RC but so-so in bio and chem. Would the former candidate be looked upon more favourably (i just have this weird feeling that bio and chem are taken more seriously than RC by adcoms)

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dmd2012 - thanks again. I read the entire passage first, hilighting important dates or names, and underlining important concepts. I got extremely lucky with the passage topics though, I happened to remember a bit about heisenberg uncertainty, I had seen a wackload of practice passages on amalgam, and Ive played piano for 10 years.


Obviously Im super-stoked on the 30 ....but i have had an annoying thought keep crossing my mind...lets say 2 candidates have an equal AA. one did really well in bio and chem and so-so in reading, and the other did really well in RC but so-so in bio and chem. Would the former candidate be looked upon more favourably (i just have this weird feeling that bio and chem are taken more seriously than RC by adcoms)


Don't over-analyze, sloken, or you'll never be satisfied. :) You did great, no wait, ridiculously amazzzzing, and can enjoy the moment.


Oh, that piano passage flew over my head. I totally jumped ship on that one.

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i JUST got mine.. I liver in Ottawa so I guess it'll arrive to us first since the CDA center is in Ottawa...


This is how I did:

RC = 22

BIO = 21

CHEM = 18 :S

SCI.TOT. = 20

AA = 20

PAT = 22

CARVING = 23 (WTF? I thought i failed it :|...)


Ahh, I got a 23 on the soap carving too and I totally thought I failed it. My soap was chipped, none of my planes were flat and the 90 degree angles were so off. Plus, it's kind of nervewracking when the guy beside you slits his hand and gets blood all over his soap!

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Dammit all, 3rd time writing...


RC 20

BIO 19



AA 20

PAT 20



I'm from Alberta and have applied to Dalhousie, UT and UWO. DAmn OOP, I'm so screwed this year. Hopefully I get an American interview... but I applied really late. My GPA is average, science GPA average (I think) compared to everyone else.


Anyone think these scores will land me at least an interview?

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Dammit all, 3rd time writing...


RC 20

BIO 19



AA 20

PAT 20



I'm from Alberta and have applied to Dalhousie, UT and UWO. DAmn OOP, I'm so screwed this year. Hopefully I get an American interview... but I applied really late. My GPA is average, science GPA average (I think) compared to everyone else.


Anyone think these scores will land me at least an interview?


those scores are pretty good, dont worry about the carving...

i dont know what an average GPA is, check the avg GPA of applicants at the schools you want to get into

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Dammit all, 3rd time writing...


RC 20

BIO 19



AA 20

PAT 20



I'm from Alberta and have applied to Dalhousie, UT and UWO. DAmn OOP, I'm so screwed this year. Hopefully I get an American interview... but I applied really late. My GPA is average, science GPA average (I think) compared to everyone else.


Anyone think these scores will land me at least an interview?


I have fairly similar scores to you... so i hope you get interviews because it would mean that i would have a good chance of getting interviews too (but i'm in-province for UofT and UWO)

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overall im fairly happy with me scores. I didnt really change that much from last year with the exception of reading comp. plus it seems like my entire summer of carving didnt pay off ( i onlyimproved one point...I will never understand how they mark it, I know FOR SURE that I did a way better job than last year).


carving - 15

bio - 18

chem - 19

PAT - 22

RC - 30

AA - 22


wow RC = 30!!! i don't even get that in my dreams haha

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Arnie i just saw the earlier pages of this thread; your scores are KILLER


Thanks sloken, but you're best section still totally pwns my best section ;)


Like I said, before I posted on this forum, I checked rockthedat, and this quote from them scared me.


"Q: What is considered a “good” DAT score and will it guarantee me entry into a Dental School?


A: The DAT is graded using a standard scale. Each of the five sections is scored out of 30. The minimum grade accepted at most schools is 15 out of 30, with mid-20's being considered competitive. This, again, varies with each school. NOTE: Scoring well on the DAT does not guarantee admission to any dental school and is only part of the admission criteria. GPA and interview and other criteria are considered."


If a 25 is considered just competitive, I'll withdraw my app.


But happily, I've been told otherwise, and thank God my score is good. I'm content.


If anyone needs anything, I'll be happy to help.

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