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dat scores are out!!!

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I just got mine, and I live in Vancouver.


Read comp: 21

Biology : 22

Chemistry: 26

Perception: 27

Carving 28


This was my first time taking it...

And I guess I fluked out,,,


We have a winner. :D That takes the cake man. Congrats!! I just can't grasp how awesome that set is. You kidding me?! A 27 PAT, 28 Carving, 26 Chem. Puts me to shame. Like I said, congrats!! :D :D

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i havent taken my DAT yet, and have only recently decided to start preparing. i was wondering about the carving component and what type of structures are involved? any feedback what be greatly appreciated.:)




Hey im writing the DAT in feb. I bought a 60 min video from KSF review site... It has helped a lot.. goes through all the shapes with you ... Unfortunately you have to buy the whole package just to get the video.. (rest of package is worthless)

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I'm guessing the only reason you rewrote the DAT was for the carving. I'd say you pretty much cleaned house both times. Where are you applying?


pretty much...i was also trying to improve my biology as well (i am a biochem/chem graduate...so i thought i can do better...)


i am applying ubc/uwo/manitoba...i got an ubc interview last year but failed it...so i am reapplying this year

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hi celeron_266,


i was wondering how (if at all) you prepared differently for carving the second time around? your score improved greatly... congrats!




-- vert

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hey guys, i asked this before but haven't had any replies to my post yet. i am wondering whether 14 in PAT will jeopardize my chances of getting interviewed at toronto. my other scores are all in the 20s.


I actually have no idea, because I'm not sure exactly what uoft looks at, i know it shouldn't be problem for UWO, as you probably already knew. But uoft really doesn't state exactly what they're looking for. Best bet is to email them (after the holidays of course). Of the people I know who got into uoft they have like PAT scores of 19 and over, but I don't know if that means uoft looked at their PAT scores or not.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got 14 on carving and I'm currently in dental school. You guys worry too much about carving. It really doesn't matter for UT or UWO. Like, at all.


hey guys, i asked this before but haven't had any replies to my post yet. i am wondering whether 14 in PAT will jeopardize my chances of getting interviewed at toronto. my other scores are all in the 20s.
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Hmmm... Mid-20's is kinda high. haha... I'd say anything 20 or higher is competitive. But honestly, for UT and UWO, most of it hinges on your cGPA and interview. Heavy emphasis on cGPA.



Thanks sloken, but you're best section still totally pwns my best section ;)


Like I said, before I posted on this forum, I checked rockthedat, and this quote from them scared me.


"Q: What is considered a “good” DAT score and will it guarantee me entry into a Dental School?


A: The DAT is graded using a standard scale. Each of the five sections is scored out of 30. The minimum grade accepted at most schools is 15 out of 30, with mid-20's being considered competitive. This, again, varies with each school. NOTE: Scoring well on the DAT does not guarantee admission to any dental school and is only part of the admission criteria. GPA and interview and other criteria are considered."


If a 25 is considered just competitive, I'll withdraw my app.


But happily, I've been told otherwise, and thank God my score is good. I'm content.


If anyone needs anything, I'll be happy to help.

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Don't worry if you DAT scores aren't great the first time around. I know of many students who screwed up badly the first time around, then prepared well for the February DAT, rewrote and got high 20s. The trick is to give it everything you've got while preparing! Buy every book, kit, soap, attend a course (not necessarily ours!) and practice tons!

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hey guys, i asked this before but haven't had any replies to my post yet. i am wondering whether 14 in PAT will jeopardize my chances of getting interviewed at toronto. my other scores are all in the 20s.


I got 14 on carving and I'm currently in dental school. You guys worry too much about carving. It really doesn't matter for UT or UWO. Like, at all.


momeo, its not the same thing. uofT doesn't look at carving. You could have gotten a -14. Shehpar786 was asking about the PAT, which does mean something. Care to share again, please...

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Oh crap, sorry I missed that guys. 8:30 AM - 5 PM classes really starting to get to me. To clarify, a 14 on PAT is quite low actually. I think you should rewrite it in that case. Aim for at least over 18ish.


momeo, its not the same thing. uofT doesn't look at carving. You could have gotten a -14. Shehpar786 was asking about the PAT, which does mean something. Care to share again, please...
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Oh crap, sorry I missed that guys. 8:30 AM - 5 PM classes really starting to get to me. To clarify, a 14 on PAT is quite low actually. I think you should rewrite it in that case. Aim for at least over 18ish.


I looked at toronto's admission stats from last year. apparently, they took somebody with 14 in PAT. i wonder wat that individual's other scores were!

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I looked at toronto's admission stats from last year. apparently, they took somebody with 14 in PAT. i wonder wat that individual's other scores were!


Likely true... A few people also got 4's and 5's on carving I think. For everyone who's been PMing about individual things, you guys should realize that admissions really depends on everything and not specifically any small single thing. I can't say for sure if one score can make or break you because you may be very excellent in other components. Just keep working hard and don't worry too much until the very end!

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Likely true... A few people also got 4's and 5's on carving I think. For everyone who's been PMing about individual things, you guys should realize that admissions really depends on everything and not specifically any small single thing. I can't say for sure if one score can make or break you because you may be very excellent in other components. Just keep working hard and don't worry too much until the very end!




That's the thing-- there's no blueprint for admittance. Everyone is different. This is why it's so important to look at the rule, not the exception. Strange things might happen and someone might matriculate with a 4 in PAT, but one shouldn't think "stranger things have happened". Make sure the app is the best you can make it, then take the shot.

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