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Should I re-write the DAT

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Hello All, as you know the DAT scores are out and I got 18 AA, 19 PAT and 17 in carving. My GPA is above 3.8, so do you think that I should re-write the DAT in order to be considered by UoT and western




those are pretty good DAT scores, carving I wouldn't worry about since UofT and UWO don't look at at all (plus relatively speaking 17 is super awesome). My only question would be what you got on RC, I know your AA is 18, which is what UWO really looks at but they also put a lot of emphasis on reading comp. If you have a 19+ in reading, which I'm guessing you do have, then don't re-write, but if you're confident that you can bring up your AA without affecting your RC, then re-write, because I've written the DAT twice thus far, and the RC both times were very different (first time i got 17, this time I got 20, and i definately felt the difference). It's a risk you take


good luck


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Thanks wisdom tooth, and my RC is 17, Bio 19, chem 18 .


those are pretty good DAT scores, carving I wouldn't worry about since UofT and UWO don't look at at all (plus relatively speaking 17 is super awesome). My only question would be what you got on RC, I know your AA is 18, which is what UWO really looks at but they also put a lot of emphasis on reading comp. If you have a 19+ in reading, which I'm guessing you do have, then don't re-write, but if you're confident that you can bring up your AA without affecting your RC, then re-write, because I've written the DAT twice thus far, and the RC both times were very different (first time i got 17, this time I got 20, and i definately felt the difference). It's a risk you take


good luck


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Thanks wisdom tooth, and my RC is 17, Bio 19, chem 18 .


wow weird, I was going to refer you to a thread with someone in your same position I searched the thread and then I realized you were the author lol. Okay, back to business, well from what I hear and from what someone else who posted in the other thread you made said, 17 is bit too low for RC according to UWO's standard. I too got 17 the first time around and I definately knew I had to write it again because of UWO. I know it sucks, because you did fairly well on chem and bio. But I don't think a score of 17 in RC will get you an interivew. You've applied before and you had stellar marks in your last few years and you had a 17 and you didn't get an interview, so I'd say re-write. You're not alone I too am going to re-write the DAT.

good luck


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Thanks and good luck !


those are pretty good DAT scores, carving I wouldn't worry about since UofT and UWO don't look at at all (plus relatively speaking 17 is super awesome). My only question would be what you got on RC, I know your AA is 18, which is what UWO really looks at but they also put a lot of emphasis on reading comp. If you have a 19+ in reading, which I'm guessing you do have, then don't re-write, but if you're confident that you can bring up your AA without affecting your RC, then re-write, because I've written the DAT twice thus far, and the RC both times were very different (first time i got 17, this time I got 20, and i definately felt the difference). It's a risk you take


good luck



wow weird, I was going to refer you to a thread with someone in your same position I searched the thread and then I realized you were the author lol. Okay, back to business, well from what I hear and from what someone else who posted in the other thread you made said, 17 is bit too low for RC according to UWO's standard. I too got 17 the first time around and I definately knew I had to write it again because of UWO. I know it sucks, because you did fairly well on chem and bio. But I don't think a score of 17 in RC will get you an interivew. You've applied before and you had stellar marks in your last few years and you had a 17 and you didn't get an interview, so I'd say re-write. You're not alone I too am going to re-write the DAT.

good luck


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