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American DAT instead of Canadian?

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Hi guys,


I wrote my first canadian DAT this nov and my stats suckssssssssssssssss

Reading Comp 16

Bio 16

Chem 18

PAT 18

AA 17

carving 15 ( wtf????)


i am so disappointed in the results especially for the PAT and the CHEM

anyhow i am thinkin of re-taking the dat again. However i am not sure if i should do the american one or the canadian. Despite the differences in the two and based on ur personal experience which one would be better to take, because i already applied to dental schools do you think i should write the american one this time say in January so i can send the results to the D-schools or it will be too later for that.

OR i can take the C-DAT again in Feb and reapply for schools for class of 2013?


my only concern for the american DAT would be the QR i have no idea whats that section is all about?????


Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated!

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Canadian schools will accept the American DAT since it does not have a carving component


yeah you are right the canadian schools DO NOT accept the american one but i am applying to the states schools too... thats why i am not sure if i its worth taking the american one.


thanks for ur comments!

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Most US schools are fairly flexible about taking the Canadian DAT, there's at least 17 US schools that do! So don't worry too much about the US DAT. I applied this year and will be starting at NYU in August :D


CONGRADULATION Microsef wish you best of luck. Just wondering if they look at the canadian DAT the same as the american one?

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Hey thanks, I'm not really sure if they look at it the same but I would definetly re-write the Canadian one in Feb. Study hard, rock the DAT and even with an average GPA, you stand a really good chance of getting into an American school.

If you really are looking to apply to US schools, you should really check out the Student Doctor forums http://forums.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?t=478023

Some advice for you, do your research into schools now ( you should buy the ADEA school guide book), start shadowing a dentist immediately (you need that) if you haven't done so already. Apply early (like when the next cycle begins in early may) in fact, you should probably even start an app now on AADSAS so that you have all the info and personal statement to submit when the cycle begins next year and it doesn't cost you any money to start an app as long as you don't submit.

and Good luck!

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