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Who has requested that their carving be remarked and did your mark change???

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my carving instructor for kaplan also said i am doing very well. I am paying for the remark... its really not a remark but just basically going into your file and checking that your dat transcript for your scores is printed right.. its fifty f*in bucks for that. CDA is a cheap asss ripp offff sucking our money.

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how are your other scores... 20 is still awesome! I dont think you should waste your money but I know a lot of ppl who wrote it at UFT are shocked with their scores.. I think they probably dropped it or something so I am going to investigate into this and the more people that contact CDA and check up on them the more they will be aware that there was something fishy that those idiots did to our soaps.

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I wouldn't get it remarked, because you score is very good, I know who you feel though, because you thought you did better and it's a big shock. plus why do you want to give CDA more money lol seriously, it's a scam once they'd marked it they've marked it I don't even think they remark it.


okay here's something I'd like to point out, people may think they did well on their soap because it looks good, but my kaplan instructor said that really, that's only a small portion of it, what really matters is dimesion, if you don't have smooth surfaces, but your dimensions and measurements are bang on you'll do well. There was one student in my kaplan class who's soaps were stellar they always looked amazing, but he always eyed his measurements and I remember my kaplan instructor saying it looks good, but if you're off on your measurements, then it doesn't really matter. God knows I'm not good at carving and I may just be repeating what most people know but my kaplan instructor had a lot of insight into the DAT and I thought I'd share it with everyone.

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Peristalsis, where are you applying? If its just uofT and UWO, maybe you really shouldn't bother to have your carving re-scored. I hear they don't even look at it. But I guess you wouldn't be so concerned if you only applied to these two schools.


I really don't think the CDA will have someone remark it. Most likely, as someone said, they'll check if a typo was made in your mailed scores and that will be it.


You could try calling the CDA, ask if a typo was made, and if no typo, then ask for a regrade. Just suggesting the cheapest route.


Oh, 20 is still great. Way to go.

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