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apparently, a faculty member was telling my friends that 50 people will be selected this year, due to attrition (people dropping spots without notifying beforehand).


last year, 44 students were selected, but only 37 took their seats. The other 7 just never showed up on the first day.


ubc hopes to seat 40-44 this year, predicting that 7-10 will drop out. (I believe ubc has the capability to seat 50 in the unlikely case that there are zero no-shows).


hope this helps!

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UBC's supposed to be really expensive compared to other canadian schools. I guess that could be one of the reasons. But thanks to that, i hear that the waiting list moves pretty quickly. Does anyone know, how many ppl tend to get accepted off the waiting list? Better yet, has anyone calculated our %chance of getting in, considering chances of getting accepted off the waiting list?

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Hey Everyone,


Thought I'd clear up some confusion here....they're interviewing 120 and sending out 50 acceptances. BUT they are hoping for the class to be only 40. The reason they are doing this is that every year they have to accept so many people off the waitlist. Last year they went through the whole wait list, which was 40 spots. And when classes started in August 2 people failed to show up without noticing UBC. Since they had already gone through the whole waitlist they had no one to call on to fill the 2 spots. So they're hoping by accepting 50 people that they won't have to go through as much of the waitlist like usual. Hope this makes sense! Also the stuff I was telling you about the PBL wasn't just a rumor...it came straight from the guy that sent you the interview invites. He told us during a session that we had with him when we were giving feedback about the admissions process. Actually all this info came from him...it's not just a bunch of bs. I'm in dentistry right now at UBC so if you have any questions feel free to ask!!

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Hey Everyone,


Thought I'd clear up some confusion here....they're interviewing 120 and sending out 50 acceptances. BUT they are hoping for the class to be only 40. The reason they are doing this is that every year they have to accept so many people off the waitlist. Last year they went through the whole wait list, which was 40 spots. And when classes started in August 2 people failed to show up without noticing UBC. Since they had already gone through the whole waitlist they had no one to call on to fill the 2 spots. So they're hoping by accepting 50 people that they won't have to go through as much of the waitlist like usual. Hope this makes sense! Also the stuff I was telling you about the PBL wasn't just a rumor...it came straight from the guy that sent you the interview invites. He told us during a session that we had with him when we were giving feedback about the admissions process. Actually all this info came from him...it's not just a bunch of bs. I'm in dentistry right now at UBC so if you have any questions feel free to ask!!


damn they should have called those who failed the interview (which included me!)


so if thats the purpose to increase the no. of offers...why not just expand the waiting list...that they can keep their 40 spots and they dont have to worry as much about not enough people for backup

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They grade you on the interview and then assign you a percentile ranking. It's really very structured, I didn't know this the first time I interviewed and failed and didn't get in. Second time I did a lot of research which I put in the book I wrote and got into 4 schools. You just need to know what they're looking to hear in the answers which can be quite complex and complicated.

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Well...I haven't bought it. But I think it depends on how good you are at taking interviews. Some people are just naturals and know all the right things to say, others do a lil research on the internet and do mock interviews to prepare, and some people need a lot of coaching to get their true selves out to the interviewers. You know yourself best :) (hopefully...)

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Hey I'm still a bit confused about the PBL component of the interview. I understood from the email sent that there was going to be a PBL session that is just for our interest and won't be evaluated. Am I to understand that there is some kind of PBL component in the actual interview itself? If so, how would you do it with only one person?

This is a bit confusing to me. Any info you guys have to clear things up would be awesome.

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Yes it's a PDF file which allows for instant shipping. Imagine if I had to snail mail it to you and it took a week of valuable prep time - not anyone's idea of fun. I haven't really heard any complaints about it yet, and it keeps selling 3-4 copies a night so it's gaining popularity.


AllSmiles - Yes I'm sure some of the interview is natural, but for something that's worth as much or more than the DAT is I'd think you want to spend as much time getting ready for it as you did the DAT. A good interview will not only get you into school but you'll be able to choose the school you want to go to if you get multiple offers. It's nice to be in the driver's seat.

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Bigzinc - it's based on my own research and experiences. I went through all the hard work and found the research studies they CDA used to develop the interview then working with a few friends of mine in HR went and developed a strategy of how to approach the interview. It worked well i got a 34/35 on my UWO interview and got into all 4 schools i interviewed at last yr. To the best of my knowledge I'm the only person who has an interview strategy specific to the CDA dental student interview process. It's only $40 for the 62 page book and you get it within 24 hrs of paypaling me the money.



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