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MCAT prep courses


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I am planning to take the exam sometime this year but I am not sure if I should take an MCAT prep course or not. I talked to a couple of people and they said that taking the courses definately boosts up the MCAT scores. So, I was wondering if any of you gave the MCATs without taking the prep course- how hard was it? and how much time did you have to devote to the preparation?



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A prep course is excellent if it has been a while since you took the prerequisites and would like a thorough, quick refresher through them. If you don't, I'd suggest just getting the books/access to an online database of MCAT tests/questions.

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I didn't find the courses themselves to be all that helpful. Its difficult to put in the time to attend the courses and do the proper amount of studying at the same time. Especially with respect to the verbal section. That is definitely an area where practice makes perfect, where you need to just pound out question after question and improve your reading/comprehension speed, etc.. In the end though, I would recommend just getting the books and practice tests and studying hard.



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