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Renert Course


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Hey Steeve-o I just took MCAT last year after prep course from Renert...


Here are some positive sides:


First, once you paid your fee you can take the course over and over again...of course the goal is to kill the MCAT on the first try but some of us may need multiple attempts...(like myself:mad: )


Second, the instructors are very good!, most of them are professors or have been teaching the seminars for looong time. I heard that for Kaplan they may hire someone who aced the MCAT section (I don't know if they are still doing this) - but just because someone did excellent on Physic section of MCAT does not neccesarily means they are going to TEACH YOU to do better.


Third, I really like the exam cracker (helpbook which have to buy)..very easy to understand, many many practice questions - I highly recommend you buy "101 passages in MCAT verbal reasoning". Everyone is going to be fairly good at Biology, and certainly Physic section may still be fresh in minds of many undergrad students. So where greatest improvement in score can come from is the VR section.


Fourth, although they have one class on writing aspect of the MCAT, the instruction is very good. They teach you how to write, what style you must write plus you can do as many practice written essays as possible which will be graded with advice on what you need to work on.


I recommend it but I have not taken any courses from Kaplan or Princeton so my oppinion might be bit biased

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