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bunch of international school questions

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Wondering if you guys can answer some questions for me...


At the end of this semester I will have 3 semesters of full time school completed (I missed the fall semester this year, possibly doing classes in the summer), and a few part time courses completed before this. GPA is 3.82 excluding 1 class I took, which is a D mark. So basically I have the equivalent of 2 years done, although only 1 of them would be considered a full time year. My courses have only been in bio, physiology, and liberal studies of all types. No MCAT done.


1) If I applied to the Ireland/UK/Australia, are the 6 year options the only ones open to me at this point ? Can you enroll in the 4 year programs with 2 years undergrad done, or 3 years done?


2) Do any US schools accept 2 or 3 years done? How long are the US programs ?


3) Do all US schools require the MCAT?


4) I am actually interested in the DO programs in the US, do these accept 2 or 3 years, and would they all require the MCAT? Also are they the same length as the MD programs ?


5) Would a reputable Caribbean school accept 2 or 3 years completed ? Do they require the MCAT or not ?


6) How long are the Caribbean programs for someone with 2 or 3 years completed, and when are applications do in?


Thanks a lot, im just considering the option of international studies.. Specifically about any 3-4.5 year programs, as I dont see any point in the 6 year ones at this point for me (Ill just stay in Canada and do another 1 or 2 full time years).


Thanks for your help!

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