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Hi there


I am a canadian resident and i applied to UK last summer..Fortunately, I got an interview to Cambridge and got a conditional offer in Jan.

i am wondering if any of you know abt what sort of loans i can take from Canada..any info that would be helpful

Also, do you think i should go there..I have no plans as such to practise in Canada as i have no family here....I am finishing up my undergrad in May

Thanks for all ur help!

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Congratulations radhika on getting accepted into Cambridge!


As for the loans, I would suggest RBC as well. They offer up to CDN$150,000 in professional loans to students studying medicine, in Canada or abroad. However, are you a Canadian citizen? You said you are a resident, but do you hold a Canadian passport? If not, I'm not sure how the RBC loan works for international students.


Also, if you are planning to go to Cambridge and have no plans to return to Canada, are you a UK citizen? As an international student at a UK med school, you are pretty much agreeing to only study there and then return to your country of citizenship to practice. It is actually very difficult for non-UK medical graduates to obtain residency or further posts in the UK. I don't know much about the process to stay in the UK as a doctor though - I'm a Canadian grad going to King's College London for med come September and I intend to return to Canada for residency (fingers crossed =P).

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