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Going to Med School in Australia or somewhere in Canada.

Guest driedcaribou

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There are some people, myself included, who actually prefer to study abroad because it suits our needs a bit better, or we want something more than what traditional med schools can offer. I know that we are definitely a minority, though.


I am choosing to go to med school in Israel - the Medical School for International Health - and I will go whether or not I get accepted to schools here in Canada. I am a non-trad applicant and have spent the last decade working in global health - this particular school in Israel focuses on international health and takes a more population-based approach to teaching medicine. It is a joint effort between Ben Gurion Uni in Israel and Columbia Uni in NYC. It encompasses the usual American curriculum, with additional classes and internships in global health and population health. So the curriculum appeals to me much more than any other curriculum, and having the opportunity to live and study in such a culturally diverse country will provide the adventure of a lifetime. In fact, the students there help run free clinics for Bedouins, Asian migrant workers, African refugees, etc.


All of the Canadians who have graduated from this school have received residencies in their field of choice in the USA. Granted, people who wish to work in international health may not be attracted to the more competitive specialities...


Anyway, just another point of view to throw out there...

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