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U of T: so what happens now?

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I gave them my deposit awhile ago, but I still haven't heard from them yet (supposedly they mail you a package?). I'm just worried that they lost my deposit (and I lost my spot). Has anybody not received anything yet?

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They are supposed to get back to you that they revieved your deposit...so call them ASAP to find out if you sent it looong ago. Also I e-mailed about the packages if anyone is interested they said that they were sent out today (Monday, May 5) so we should get them by the end of the week!

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what does it mean to be an ODA member, besides the first aid courses?





So, now I am more or less looking for places to live in downtown Toronto. I am from the GTA. Is Chestnut any good? Do you HAVE to get a meal plan?


Or do most people live off campus? I think I would prefer this but rent is expensive in Toronto!

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I know a friend of mine was renting a room (shared bathroom and kitchen with everyone living in the same hall) for about 480ish on Admiral rd. She doesn't live there anymore, but it was pretty cheap for Toronto. It's a good 10 min. walk from St. George and Bloor, so it would be kind of far to walk to the dental school, you'd have to take the ttc. I forget the name of the place, but it was a huge house that the superintendent split into little rental rooms for anyone interested (i.e. not just students).

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