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Getting the $$$

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So I was just wondering, what do most dental students do? Get some from OSAP, bank (if so which), combination of both? Do the banks typically accept single applications or do you need a cosigner? How willing are banks to cover tuition?


thanks for the help :)

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you will likely use a combination of OSAP, bursaries/scholarships, and of corse the bank. Bank are very willing to hand you a lot of money, since your dental degree will provide you with excellent earning potential. I started dealing with Scotiabank, then switched to RBC. Both offer the same thing pretty much, maybe see if there is any difference in interest rates. When I went you could get a $30,000 a year credit line. Once you went over $60,000 then you needed a co-signer I believe. It may be different now. Anyways, they would be more than willing to help yo out, which is great, otherwise dental school is unaccessible to most people. Also, while in school you only have to make interest payments and not any principle, and for some amount of time after graduating too.

The cost of a dental education can be daunting, but it is worth it, and yo pay them off surprising quickly!

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  • 3 weeks later...
as i remembered you have 30 days past the starting date of the 1st term to apply for OSAP for the entire year, after that you can only apply for winter term / spring term.


Thanks for the info koft.


So interest from the bank is 4.75% what is interest regularly?

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Thanks for the info koft.


So interest from the bank is 4.75% what is interest regularly?


Bank rate depends on the Central bank rate + 1.75% = Prime rate.


4.75% is the current prime rate. On any LOC it is most likely compounded daily.


so on every $100 you borrow, you will have a monthly interst of $.40 / month on 4.75%. if the rate changes, the interest payment can increase or decrease.


Indica strains

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So if you aren't making any money and you don't have any savings (cuz you put it all on a very large deposit...ahem...) then you basically have to use your credit line to pay off the interest every month from taking money out of your credit line in the first place? That sounds screwy...:mad:

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So if you aren't making any money and you don't have any savings (cuz you put it all on a very large deposit...ahem...) then you basically have to use your credit line to pay off the interest every month from taking money out of your credit line in the first place? That sounds screwy...:mad:


Well, you don't necessarily have to pay the credit line.. you can just let it sit. Although it increases the amount you have on borrow and thus you are being charged interest on your accumulated interest (read: compounding interest). But yeah, same principle i suppose.

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So if you aren't making any money and you don't have any savings (cuz you put it all on a very large deposit...ahem...) then you basically have to use your credit line to pay off the interest every month from taking money out of your credit line in the first place? That sounds screwy...:mad:


Yes it sucks .... well ask for OSAP and bursary from which ever school you are going to, at least then you don't have to borrow as much! that is what I did. Granted that I still owe a bit to OSAP! (but most of my colleagues who are in private practices paid off most of their LOC, and able to get their toys as well)



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As far as i know, it doesn't affect it, because it is borrowed money, it is not your asset, or earnings.


As long as it is not part of your savings.. it shouldn't affect it... But i haven't filled these form for awhile, so you might want to talk to your financial aids services to get the most up to date details.


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