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GPA calculation

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I'd REALLY appreciate someone's help on this.

Since I only took 4.5 courses each year, I guess all my marks from all my university years will be counted towards the OMSAS gpa.

I calculate mine using the same technique as one that is "sticky-d" on the first page, but I get a gpa of 4.14. Now I KNOW that's not correct haha. :o


Please and thank you!

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ok here's what I did: I have 26 courses in total in 4 years undergrad, plus 2 in the 5th year that I took..so 28 courses total, full and half.

I converted each mark, from ALL the courses, using the OMSAS scale for UofT; doubled the GPA for F (1.0credit) courses and 1 for the H (0.5 credit) courses. I divide it all by 28, and doing it again, I get a gpa of 3.85. When I don't calculate my 2 summer marks, it's a 3.789.


Is that correct? Because I was told since I didn't do 5 full courses each year, I'm exempted from the weighing formula's.

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