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Considering dental school...

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Hello there, so I just finished my undergrad in biochem (well it was actually called medicinal chemistry which is just biochem with more chem courses but less biology) and I have been looking into dental school but I am not sure how competitive I am. My final GPA is a mid B+ (76-77%; haven't converted to OSMAS scale). I don't think any weighted averaging will help me because all my grades for every year were not spectacular or disastrous (all my marks were around A- or B+ with some Bs and As). Is there any Canadian school that I can apply to and will be ok? Also, I haven't taken the 1st year physics lab or any courses in anatomy or physiology...would I need to take these?

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Dal looks at your final two year average, higher science average (physiology, microbiology, biochemistry), DAT scores, interview score and a personality test. The two averages carry the most weight, but if you do well in everything else, it can bring up your total score. Check out their website for the other pre-requsites you need (ie writing course, humanities, biology, chemistry, etc)


Hope this helps :)



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To add to Mare's post, Dal also requires a couple physiology courses, from my university they needed two physiology lectures and a physiology lab. Every school is different though so check around for specific prerequisites. If you are unsure about anything email the admissions staff, they are very helpful and can let you know what specific courses you need to have taken based on the university that you attended.

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