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Suggestions for Arts courses

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Alright, so we all know about the dreaded possibility of having to take at least some Arts courses. Anyone take any that are interesting? Better yet, anyone actually take any that were fun and gave good marks in the end?


Me being opportunistic, I'm hoping that more UW students will post here, but hey, suggest if you so please.

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Alright, so we all know about the dreaded possibility of having to take at least some Arts courses. Anyone take any that are interesting? Better yet, anyone actually take any that were fun and gave good marks in the end?


Me being opportunistic, I'm hoping that more UW students will post here, but hey, suggest if you so please.


UW? Try the second year Greek and Roman mythology courses ('The Gods' and 'The Heroes' or somesuch...it's been a while) in the Classics department. Basically the prof sits and reads you stories for 45 minutes each lecture, and the exams are pretty straight-forward. There might be an essay, though.

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If you're at uwo, I highly recommend "philosophy of witchcraft" as an elective. (Its more like philosophy/ history of religion during the witchcraze). The prof is awesome, the course is interesting, and the exams are extremely easy. One had a possible bonus 15%! I ended up with 100 in the course overall with minimal effort. (thanks to those bonus marks)

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I filled up my arts options with mostly psych courses, which I found fascinating. Another suggestion- if your University offers any ethics courses or better yet, bioethics courses, I would highly recommend taking one of those. I took a bioethics course at the U of A, and not only was it a pretty easy A+, it helped me out immensely in preparing for my med school interviews!

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Anyone know any easy electives at U of T? Specifically, I need to take 2 humanities or social science courses chosen from this list:




I'm looking for something I could easily achieve a good grade in, preferably with a relatively light writing component. If anyone has taken any of these, please let me know. Thanks!

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Oh, the dreaded arts courses:


If you're looking for a good GPA, then avoid the "hard" arts like English, Philosophy, and History. A lot of these courses tend to be subjectively scored, and some professors are pure evil when it comes to marking their students.

One English prof at Dal, whose name I can't remember, refused to give any student a mark greater than B. That really doesn't help someone who is trying to apply to a professional school.

Also, ask around about some really contemporary music courses. There are some courses that outline the history of jazz, or rock, or Bob Dylan etc., and these are generally scored with less contempt than the "hard" arts.


I'd say ask around though. What you're hearing from me is assumptions based on past experience.


If your school offers Econ as an arts option, that's good because Econ is essentially University math, but simpler.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'll go ahead and contribute to this properly then. If you must do an English at UW (University of Waterloo), take ENGL 140R, The Use of Grammar. I was ridiculously half-assed in this course and got an easy 82%. Prof. John Vardon does his best to make the subject interesting and makes the best jokes possible with the subject matter, but don't be surprised if you're bored.

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Interesting idea...I know UW has an observatory on the physics building, I wonder if I should take some astro courses...sure, they aren't arts, but still...


I took "Introductory Astronomy" at UW. It's listed as an SCI course, but I forget the number. There are two versions, one for arts students and one for science students. I honestly forget which version I took (long story), but it was really easy and enjoyable.

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Yeah, I was looking into that recently, I don't know if they've redesignated it under a different faculty, but I'm thinking about it.


I'm wondering if anyone knows anything about Speech Comm. courses at UW. There are some really interesting ones available as 2nd and 3rd year courses...

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Anyone know any easy electives at U of T? Specifically, I need to take 2 humanities or social science courses chosen from this list:




I'm looking for something I could easily achieve a good grade in, preferably with a relatively light writing component. If anyone has taken any of these, please let me know. Thanks!


I took ANT100 at UofT, and I can safely say it was one of the easiest courses I took...no writing, just 3 tests (MCQs): 2 x 25% and then a 50% final. The final and the second test were within like a week of eachother and the material overlapped, so you'd already studied for it! I didn't do anything in the course till the end, and even after getting in the 70s on the first test, I finished with an 86. I took it a few years ago though, so it may have changed since then! You just have to be comfortable with some memorization, that's what it was all about! :)

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anyone at UWO know any good philosophy essay courses or english essay courses (half term)??????????


what did u guys htink of:


1) right and wrong

2) philosophy of science

3) architects of reason

4) death

5) business ethics



1) fantasy

2) scifi



thanks :)

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