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Med Schedule

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Hi there,


I thought I'd give you an idea of a typical week - I chose the first week of one of our blocks. Personally, I found the first week of each block to be the busiest of the block, so perhaps this is a bit more "busy" than what you'd typically see.


--Mon: Lectures from 10am - 12 pm, 1-3 pm. PBL from 3-5pm.

--Tues: Anatomy lab from 8-10am. Lectures from 10am - 12 pm, 2-5pm.

--Wed: Morning free, Lectures from 1pm-3pm, PBL from 3-5 pm.

--Thurs: Lectures from 10am-12pm, 1-2 pm, small group seminar from 2:15-4:30pm.

--Fri: PBL from 8-9am, Lecture from 9-10am, whole-class demonstration with real patients from 10am-11am (Profs would demonstrate techniques, and ask the patients to tell their story and for students to ask questions to them), Review lecture/QandA from 11-12pm, afternoon free.


I hope this helps give some sense of our schedule. Some weeks we have a lot more unscheduled time - time you can use for shadowing, chores, sleeping, etc.


I should mention that there are some students in our class that do not learn best in the structured lecture format. For these students, the lecture time is actually 'unstructured' time, as they can stay home or go to the library or coffee shop and do their studying and learning. They can download the notes from the online HOMER system. Or, perhaps better yet, during that time they can do more learning through shadowing. The only mandatory things week-to-week are PBL. There is plenty of opportunity in the curriculum to make your medical education "yours".

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