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Where should I finish my undergrad

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Just finished 1st year.. Transferring toUVIC or UBC, is it true that UVIC is easier than UBC because of the smaller size/less competitiveness??


If my main goal was to get a high GPA and nothing else mattered, what would you choose.


UVIC vs. UBC ??? is there a difference?

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Just finished 1st year.. Transferring toUVIC or UBC, is it true that UVIC is easier than UBC because of the smaller size/less competitiveness??


If my main goal was to get a high GPA and nothing else mattered, what would you choose.


UVIC vs. UBC ??? is there a difference?


need opinions!

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Go wherever the hell you like, why do you let anonymous strangers make major life decisions for you?


relax, If I knew where I wanted to go I would not have created this thread. And strangers will not be making the decision, I just want some insight from students or people that know about the two schools. In the end I will decide.

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