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Personal Essays for Canadian Schools

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I've been trying to find out some information on the UBC website about the personal essay that is a part of the application. I don't know if I am just missing something or if I am mistaken in assuming that UBC requires a personal essay.


Also, does anyone know offhand if there any other (Canadian) schools that require personal essays as part of the application?



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from the UBC app:


What have you done outside of classes and studies? Have you participated in extra-curricular activities? Have you any special interests and hobbies? You answer should provide a brief resume of your employment history, volunteer work and extra-curricular activities.

(maximum 400 words)


Type in the space provided an essay outlining the reasons you wish to become a dentist, how you first developed this interest and if there is a particular reason you wish to study dentistry at The University of British Columbia.

(maximum 500 words)

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