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The "Dental School Experience"

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SooooOOOOoooOOoo, I just got accepted into dental school! I'm super excited to be starting this wonderful journey in the fall.


I just thought that it would be fun for ppl to share their experience, stories, anecdotes, whatever you want to say about your path through dental school, or what u've been going through up until now...just to get me pumped up! Yeah, a lot of ppl have been discouraging me with their, "u'll have no life" "u'll cry at night like a little sissy wishing it would end soon"...lol, i'm aware of that too. :rolleyes:

But um, let urselves go, say whatever's going through ur mind.

so, What should i expect? What should i look out for?...and so much more...


Have fun!

(I hope that at least ONE person's gonna respond...)



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Oh, i'm a quebec resident, & i got in University of Montreal, so i'm younger than most applicants from across the country... And Thank you ^^


But i don't think that it matters that much, 'cause i guess that at the end of the day, we all go through the same stuff.

And, i'd like to know a little more about how it goes down in other schools in Canada too!

I want to know it all, lol, the dirty details...:)



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Congrats on getting in. Over the 4 years you will have many ups and downs. It is quite an adventure, but it goes by surprisingly fast. Try to enjoy it! I went to UWO, so not sure about Montreal, but you will still have lot's of free time to do whatever you want - or at least make the time to do things that aren't related to teeth!! You will run into a lot of politics within the school, like different instructors/departments arguing over the best treatment, and you being caught in the middle. Or worries like if you will get all your clinical requirements, etc etc. Also, the stress of the debt can be hard to deal with, but trust me, you make it back very quickly. Overall ALWAYS remember that practicing dentistry in real-life is NOTHING like in dental school. That is all that matters, so no matter how much you are hating dental school on a particular day, just remember when you get out it is great!!

Good Luck!

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Awww thanks stesha, ur my ONE person, lool


No worries, i won't take that spot in dental for granted,...i had such a hard time just getting IN, lol i'll try and remember that for the next couple of years, :P

I'll write it on a post-it...or many post-it to remind me even when i wanna pull out every hair on my head ^^



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