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Hang outs spots

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it varies year by year and class by class.. in 1st and 2nd year our class was big in intramurals (bball and vball) so those were tuesday nights and we'd go to Father and Son's after games. Thursday nights was Urban Well (we stole this from Meds08) or Barrymore's for 90s night (SOOOOO much fun, one of the biggest things I miss in clerkship - not being able to skip Friday mornings).


Studying spots - of course the RGN library, the law library, the 2nd cup on laurier, the starbucks near school.


I think Meds10 and Meds11 spend most of their time in the RGN library or the anatomy lab, so it's up to you guys do get some flava back into medicine at Ottawa :)

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Hey, meds 11's got flava!! RGN has a library?


Just joshin, but seriously - there are quite a few places to go; 90's night at Barrymores is pretty fantastic... especially when they pour out the bubbles to the tune of no diggity. We vary things up quite a bit on the weekends, from clubs to bongo bars to piano bars to pubs.


Most of the contact with upper year students (not so much residents) is through the mentorship program, where you're in a group with a doc and a mix of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year students and you go out and do stuff.


In any case, there's tons to do here socially!!

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I'm posting here to defend meds10 but unfortunately what has been said is true. Barrymore's was always big on 80's and 90's night back in the days of 1st and 2nd year (with meds09), but our whole social scene has all but died in clerkship. It is reserved mostly for the 3 month block party after exams with certain group social events scattered throughout, but they aren't class events.


Clerkship is a stark difference from 1st and 2nd year. You hardly see anybody anymore and 4th year is even worse because everybody is away on electives. Pretty much the last big night of partying is graduation. My best advice is to elect a good VP social and define your own hangout spots. Med students are like sheep and they need a good shepherd to get them out to social events from the get go.

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