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Applicant Scores

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Today I received the rejection letter :( The letter included my scores, the average scores, and the max and min scores for each category. I was wondering if anyone knew whether the max and min scores were the max and min of the accepted applicants or of the applicant pool.


Also, can anyone please send me a link for the U of A's weighting of each category? I can't find seem to find it. Thank you!

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Max and min of interviewed applicants.


Haha, my GPA/MCAT scores were all on par with 2/3 year IP applicants, but I guess I shouldn't throw my EC page together in an hour again...they sure didn't like it. Probably explains why I didn't get my interview.

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Hmm.. perhaps they use a different set of numbers for those who didn't get the interview, because my letter says:


"The tables show the maximum and minimum score in each category, as well as the average score of those who were offered a position."


Does that mean "The tables show the maximum and minimum score in each category, as well as the average score, of those who were offered a position" or "The tables show the maximum and minimum score in each category. Also, they show the average score of those who were offered a position" (i.e. the max/min for the catgories has an unknown basis)?

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The reason I am wondering about the max/min scores is that all my scores were within the max/min range, and 5/6 scores were at or above average. Does anyone know of applicants who got rejected even when their scores were within the accepted applicants range?

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