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masters or no?

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nope... took a year off, worked, and got in this time! (times 2!) I feel that it is important to evalutate why you were waitlisted/didn't get in... was it academics? was it the interview? or was it your extracurriculars? If academics is the problem, then masters is the answer... if you've got good gpa/mcat, unless you are interested in a masters don't do it! You' won't be happy, you'll 'waste' 2 years, and since your marks weren't a problem in the first place, you are really overkilling a strenght instead of enhancing a weakness. Do more volunteering/extracurriculars/etc... figure out what went wrong with your interview, and improve... 1 year of work is a nice break from school, and you absolutely can get in after taking that year off.


Good LUCK!!

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