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Quick GPA question!

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Hi guys! I have a quick (and, I think, silly) question:


Is it possible for your OMSAS GPA to be higher than your undergraduate average? I must have calculated my average according to the OMSAS scale at least 5 times, and each time I come up with a number greater than that of my undergrad career... but I suspect this is because I'm doing something wrong. Anybody have any insight?

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I just can't figure it out...


Say you got (10 half course) 80's... or (10) 3.7's your average you be 80.... you'd get 3.7.... However if you had (5) 84's and (5) 86's your average would be an 85 (equivalent to a 3.9) but your GPA would be (5) 3.7's and (5) 3.9's averaging out to a 3.8 total..... so that shows how it could go lower.... I really don't know how it would go higher... The scale drops off in a sense to punish you for lower marks while not rewarding you for higher marks

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