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First Aid/ CPR?

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I remember reading a document a while ago that stated that students need to have their first aid/ CPR qualifications before starting school, but I haven't been able to find any more information on this via either the Schulich website or the search function of this forum.


Does anyone know if this is still required?


I had my qualifications (for work) but they expired last summer, so technically I should only need the re-sert (I think). I just need to find some proof that I took the course to begin with (will have to hunt down my old employer and see if they have it).

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Yes, you will need your First Aid and CPR re-certified if they have expired. You will also need a lot of titres drawn. Even if the school doesn't ask for them all right away, it is best to do them anyways. Keep them because you will need them for electives/residency as well.

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Yeah, I assume we are getting more info soon in the mail, including that and all the medical tests we need (tb/ vaccinations and such). Probably they are just waiting to see who accepts the offer first.


Good to know now though, so I can start tracking down someone who can give me proof that I took this first aid course already. I really don't want to have to do the whole thing again (IIRC, its a few days long) when all I should need is the one-day re-sertification.


I got a bunch of titers and a tb test last year for volunteering, so I'm crossing my fingers that those will still be good, and I'll have fewer tests to get.

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