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TPR raw score conversion

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I am practicing verbal on tpr from the cbt adapted verbal workbook. However I cant seem to find any raw score to scaled score conversison table. Does anyone know of a general conversion scale for tpr (verbal and sciences). If not, how can one assess their performance on the tpr workbook passages?



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I wouldn't suggest trying that since TPR questions are in general much harder than the MCAT. They say it is to prepare you for the MCATs. Howver, the skeptic in me can't help that another reason is popping in my head: perhaps they're making it harder to freak you out and think OMG I'm so glad I signed up for the course. :P No bad feelings, hen TPR?

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I wouldn't suggest trying that since TPR questions are in general much harder than the MCAT. They say it is to prepare you for the MCATs. Howver, the skeptic in me can't help that another reason is popping in my head: perhaps they're making it harder to freak you out and think OMG I'm so glad I signed up for the course. :P No bad feelings, hen TPR?


Are you sure TPR is the hardest. I thought EK was supposed to be the harder one. Im leaving EK for the end though since its comparable to the real deal.


Regarding passage length and difficulty, how does TPR compare to the real MCAT? I have yet to write an aamc.



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Ek... I wouldn't say is harder... it is more representative to the real thing...


TPR is a little tougher.... they have a few crazy passages and some obscure connections....


so EK is better for sure, but a little easier than TPR because it flows better.... I definitely suggest EK 101 for practice if it isn't the actually aamc stuff itself

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