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So...when do we next hear something?

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well, I did hear something today. Got a request for some further info about my parent's finances from the people handling the Schulich scholarships. (Hopefully this is good and means I have a chance!)


As for other stuff, still nothing. I'd like to know what exactly we need in terms of titers and tb/ specific cpr courses/ physical? I just remembered that I should probably get going on the police check too.

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I love how the UWO forum right now can basically be divided into two groups:


1) angsty waitlisters stressing and/or complaining about the waitlist and


2) current UWO students telling everybody to relax. ;)


It's really easy for current UWO students to say that everything will turn out fine, because for us it has. And I know from experience that it can be frustrating not knowing what the future holds. But seriously, hang in there. A lot of people will get in off the waitlist. And for those who don't -- it's not the end of the world. It might feel like it, but it's not.


If you're determined enough, you'll get in somewhere. If not this year, then the next. And when you get in there will come a point, likely at 3AM part-way through your clerkship year as you're watching a tidal-wave of fecal material gush out of somebody's ostomy contaminate the operative field, that you'll look back fondly on your pre-med years. So enjoy them now. :D

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Actually, I started this thread wondering when we will get more info (for those who were accepted) cause I want to get going on the cpr/ first aid/ medical tests and everything, since I'm not sure exactly which things to get. And I'm a bit anxious about the still-pending (I think) schulich scholarships. :)


Ploughboy, you're a current student right? When did that info arrive for you?

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Yeah me too...I was gonna sign up for level C CPR this weekend, but my mom was warning me how she's not gonna pay for it if it turns out to be wrong. And I figure, probably better not to take the chance until I hear back from Western. Besides, I kinda want a buddy to take it with....those classes are so dead dry/boring.

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Actually, I started this thread wondering when we will get more info (for those who were accepted) cause I want to get going on the cpr/ first aid/ medical tests and everything, since I'm not sure exactly which things to get. And I'm a bit anxious about the still-pending (I think) schulich scholarships. :)


Ploughboy, you're a current student right? When did that info arrive for you?


I was offered admission in early July, off of the waitlist. Because of that, all of my info arrived at once. Truth be told, I drove to London and picked it up personally from Darla. I was a little bit excited. ;)


UWO will send you a bunch of info sooner or later. They'll want proof of immunizations for a bunch of bugs (standard things you should have gotten in public school -- find your little yellow card!), standard first aid and CPR-C, and a cheque for $1000 (if you haven't already paid your deposit).


Dr. Flanagan will also likely send you a letter telling you to buy a biochemistry textbook. You can safely ignore that.

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If anyone is still furiously checking the mailbox and is concerned about the amount of exposure to the summer sun you're getting during these trips to the mailbox, let me tell you that last year all the documents came by e-mail, so you just have to furiously refresh your inbox in the safety of your home :)


Don't worry guys, the paperwork doesn't need to be in until mid- or late-August, so go enjoy the weather!

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Dr. Flanagan will also likely send you a letter telling you to buy a biochemistry textbook. You can safely ignore that.


Ooh, I had Flanagan for a biochem course once and really liked him. I kinda wish I'd kept my big biochemistry textbook now... oh well, maybe I'll buy it back from the guy I sold it to. Otherwise, might just ignore it if its not that necessary.


I'm kinda hoping all the immunization tests I did last year for volunteering will be sufficient, but probably there will be one or two extra things they didn't test for and I'll have to do it over again. I'm also kinda hoping the chest x-ray I got will be okay for the TB thing, but something tells me I'm gonna have to get the mantoux (*shudders*). Yeah, I know its not that bad, but I have the world's most sensitive skin, react to everything under the sun, and will most certainly scratch/ pick at it to death if it itches me.

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