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Scholarship application?

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This is not 100% pertinent to this forum but you guys are all experience with writing essays for applications so i decided to ask here. I am applying to a scholarship and i have to write an essay. The only guidelines i have our max of 250 words and "a description of your extracurricular activities or volunteer/community involvement" . That being said am i expected to write more of a matter of fact and list all my activities and what i did or can i write more of a creative essay with some anecdotes and even an introduction that gives a glimpse into my "extra curricular life"?


Thanks for the help,


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For both of those two reasons i can't decide on what to do. I wrote something somewhat creative and shows what kind of person i am but it took 80 words. So thats 80 words with only in introduction to my extra curricular activities. Almost no mention of them at all. I'm not sure if its worth the 80 words because now i only have 170 to paraphrase the rest of my activities. But then again listing them whiteout any anecdotes and story's seems a little monotone.

Any more advice would be appreciated.



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What scholarship is this for? An idea is to look at what the scholarship committee is looking for in an applicant and high light these areas. If the scholarship is based on community leadership, than your essay should based on this, if the scholarship centres around innovation, you might choose to be more creative and talk about certain unique ideas you have implemented.

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Its a Bell Aliant scholarship for dependents of employees of this company. They don't seem to give a theme to it. In the evaluation criteria all it says is:

-Academic performance;

-Extra curricular activities or volunteer/community involvement;

-Quality of reference letters


So it appears to be very vague.

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