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Summer School

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Does U of T accept summerschool courses??

Thx in advance!


Here is my understanding of summer school:


1- If you took full load (5 courses) in the summer, then the school would consider both the courses taken for "Prerequisite Courses" requirements and the marks for GPA


2- If took 1-2 courses (i.e. less than full load), then the courses will only be used for the "Prerequisite Courses" requirement, but not for GPA calculation.


I hope that helps.

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Here's how they put it on the U of T website:


"Summer and Part-Time Courses


Summer courses are considered as supplemental work and are not included in the applicant's GPA calculation. However, courses taken during the summer or on a part-time basis are counted, if successfully completed, in the total number of credits and for prerequisites.


In those academic programs where the summer session is a regular academic session (e.g, in co-operative programs, or trimested programs), and a regular academic courseload is taken during the summer, these courses will of course be counted in the GPA calculation. For example, this would occur if a co-op student is on a scheduled work term in the winter session, and then completes their regular academic year over the summer and fall sessions."



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