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American schools question

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1. I had a quick question about applications to US schools. Since it's rolling admissions, I'm assuming ppl would hear back from some schools ealier than others. If you are offered admission from some school in november (for example), how long do you have to reply back? Or are you able to pay a deposit, hold onto the acceptance, and see how other schools go? or do you forfeight your applications to other schools once you accept an offer?


2. I was wondering if anyone could recommend any of the canadian-friendly schools based on what they've heard about clinical education. I want to get into a school with good clinical, but i also can't be greedy cuz my DAT scores aren't the best: GPA=3.78 AA=19 PAT=21

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1. I had a quick question about applications to US schools. Since it's rolling admissions, I'm assuming ppl would hear back from some schools ealier than others. If you are offered admission from some school in november (for example), how long do you have to reply back? Or are you able to pay a deposit, hold onto the acceptance, and see how other schools go? or do you forfeight your applications to other schools once you accept an offer?


2. I was wondering if anyone could recommend any of the canadian-friendly schools based on what they've heard about clinical education. I want to get into a school with good clinical, but i also can't be greedy cuz my DAT scores aren't the best: GPA=3.78 AA=19 PAT=21


1. the earliest acceptances go out Decermber 1st. if you're offered an acceptance then, you have 45 days during which to respond to the offer of invitation. then later in the cycle the less time you are given to make up your mind (i think like 15 days or something). you can certainly put down a deposit if you are still waiting to hear from other schools and if you get accepted to a school that's higher up on your list you can send them their deposit and withdraw your application from the other school to relinquish your seat. you CAN hold multiple seats until may 1st i believe, at which point schools can see where students have multiple deposits and may rescind their offer of admission.


2. good clinical, canadian-friendly school i'd say are UofP, temple, and NYU. i'm might be missing others but i'm sure other people will supplement my post.


good luck.

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