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Important admission changes for the next cycle

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2009 Applicant Requirement changes were approved at May 14, 2008 College of Medicine Faculty Council Meeting. In summary, students completing all prerequisites at the U of S or U of R with an average of 78% (minimum grade in any one course of 60%) within the last 5 years will not be required to write the MCAT. However, the MCAT may be written if one has not met the prerequisite requirement or if preferred with minimum accumulated score of 26 (8 or higher required in each section) and N in the writing skills. Out-of-Province applicants and Saskatchewan residents studying outside SK are recommended to take equivalent prerequisites but eligibility to apply will be based on meeting the above MCAT requirement (and 2 full year average as outlined in Section 3 of the Academic Requirements). Saskatchewan applicants who entered university prior to fall 2008 will have 3 years in which the previous prerequisite and MCAT requirements will be accepted. This website will be updated with more detailed information shortly.

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hey sutler


i'm still waiting (most likely won't get in) from another school but I was sorta interested in sask and might be able to help on that question.


I believe the requirements for oop are quite high in terms of gpa, they only take your best two years into account. The highest mark you can get is a 95 = A+ and the rest of the grades are taken as median values. In order to be competitive I believe last year was a 90.5 or was it higher? I could only imagine with dropping the pre-reqs that this average could be higher as it invites more people to apply (I was still missing one more english and another biochem this year)


hope that helps

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I was thinking about next years cycle...


How would the college compare two candidates, one with a 78%+ average and no mcat, to one with <78% but competitive mcat score?


I was thinking that they'd use GPA and MCAT as screens and then bring in a 100% interview.

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UofS2010 knows best of course:p but I am pretty sure the cut off average for OOPs has been in the nineties - 90.5%? last year or something like that... I would say you'd need an average a bit higher to make it worth your while!

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hey guys, i think the information that has been posted about this topic is correct (i.e. 35% GPA, 65% MMI), but the issues with the changed requirements is a little fuzzy....if this is your first year, than the 26N/ 78% pre req avg will apply to YOU...if this is not your first year, than you are under the old system (i.e. minimum 8 8 7 N) up to 3 years...after those 3 years, than the 'new' requirements apply to YOU....hope that helps.

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Yeah this is still a bit fuzzy to me:


this last line:

"Saskatchewan applicants who entered university prior to fall 2008 will have 3 years in which the previous prerequisite and MCAT requirements will be accepted. This website will be updated with more detailed information shortly."


Are they taking about Saskatchewan residents or applicants to saskatchewan... as they only used the term oop applicants and saskatchewan residents...


What I am trying to get at, is that being an OOP applicant to Saskatchewan (Saskatchewan applicant?) that has entered university prior to 2008... does it mean that I still have to take the other biochem and english that I'm missing lol...


Or did I just confuse everything and it's best two years and 26 N


thanks guys!

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Hi Guys,


I think what it means is if you enter university in Saskatchewan this year then you are under the new rules. If you enter university in Saskatchewan before, you have 3 years you can still apply with the old MCAT/pre req avereage.



If you are OOP, I think your requirement is basically 26N, regardless whether or not you enter university this year or before this year

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  • 1 month later...

Would you guys say it's even worth my time applying to USask?


MCAT: 31S (12,8,11,S)

cGPA w degree completed: ~3.8-3.85 OMSAS

EC's: decent, research, publication, healthcare related random special interest stuff


I am an OOP applicant. Thanks very much.

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Thats some good stuff you got there. I'm not sure what your 3.8-3.85 GPA converts to, but in previous years the OOP cutoff for interviews is usually around 90%. You've completed a degree and given that you've done a fair bit of ECs over the years; I'm sure that you have plenty of life experiences that will help you shine at the interview. All in all, I think its worth a shot. Besides, its only 75 bucks for an application. ^_^ Good luck!

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Thats some good stuff you got there. I'm not sure what your 3.8-3.85 GPA converts to, but in previous years the OOP cutoff for interviews is usually around 90%. You've completed a degree and given that you've done a fair bit of ECs over the years; I'm sure that you have plenty of life experiences that will help you shine at the interview. All in all, I think its worth a shot. Besides, its only 75 bucks for an application. ^_^ Good luck!


Thanks for your time reminisce. I'll be applying then.


Congrats on finishing up MS2 BTW :)

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  • 2 months later...
Guest viscous

Any particular way by which they calculate the averages? are the marks in a full year course treated in the same way as the marks in a half semester course? this creates a BIG difference in terms of gpa but I dont know how sask will look at a 90% in a full year course compared to a 90 in a half semester course.

should I even bother applying as OOP with a 35R and 89% average of best 2 years (i treated a full course equal to a half year course i.e. 9 courses per year instead of 10 because two of my courses in each of the two years were full year courses and I didnt count them twice unlike in gpa calculations). ANY suggestions will be GREATLY appreciated.

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Any particular way by which they calculate the averages? are the marks in a full year course treated in the same way as the marks in a half semester course? this creates a BIG difference in terms of gpa but I dont know how sask will look at a 90% in a full year course compared to a 90 in a half semester course.

should I even bother applying as OOP with a 35R and 89% average of best 2 years (i treated a full course equal to a half year course i.e. 9 courses per year instead of 10 because two of my courses in each of the two years were full year courses and I didnt count them twice unlike in gpa calculations). ANY suggestions will be GREATLY appreciated.


I think marks in full year courses are worth more, i.e. a 90 in a full year class should be multiplied by 2 when considering average. The U of S looks at the average for the best two years where each individual year comprises of 30 credit units, which is considered a full course load. A full year class is worth 6 credits while a semester long class is worth 3 credits. So a full year course should be worth twice the value of a half year course.


Too bad the U of S does not consider the MCAT, because that is a great score. I would apply to Saskatchewan along with other "MCAT friendly" schools such as Alberta. Last year's interview cut off for OOP was around the 91% range. In recent years it has been as low as 88%. Who knows, maybe with the slightly increased MCAT standard, from 23N to 26N, less out of province students would apply resulting in a lower interview cut off. Besides the application fee is only about $75, and U of S has one of the easiest applications out there.

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  • 3 months later...
I am an OOP student with a 36P MCAT (10VR, 14BS, 12PS) and a best two years average of 92%. Do you think I have a good shot at getting an interview with these stats or is it possible that the cutoff will be even higher than 92?


your MCAT is monstrous I wish i had that score and my average is similar to yours and I will apply so i think u should apply too

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