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So perhaps the consensus is that it's not the long list of EC's but how you talk about them but I thought I would start a thread to help others get an idea of what kind of EC's people are up to. Please post yours . . . whether they stink, or whether they shine.


Some previous threads:











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I'm not the biggest fan of posting a list...

People tend to see it as bragging and then try to pt. out why your list isn't as good as you think it is lol...


So to keep it short

I tried to get a mix of medical volunteering whether it was shadowing or other odd jobs at a clinic to try and make sure medicine was a good choice for me, volunteering for my school (commitees and councils), volunteering for the community (hopefully showing I was active not only with Western but with London), employment (I've had a job or two all throughout university) and then a lot of stuff I did just because I enjoy it... mostly intramural sports and travel!


Hope that helps.... if you want an extensive list... I'll gladly pm it to you..


take care

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Lol you guys are crazy.


Well I didn't post those links as if I have comparable stats . . . I sure hope some of those people are considered 'above average' in terms of EC's . . . otherwise I have serious, serious work to do.

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Speaking of EC's, what happens if you have amazing unique EC's but a lower gpa? Does it help you out at all? Versus having an amazing gpa and barely any EC's?



If your academics are several deviations from the average accepted student no amount of amazing ECs will save you. If your academics are SLIGHTLY low in one section, lets say the MCAT VR, then some decent ECs can help.


Overall, ECs are like the icing on the cake. It makes you stand out but only if you can prove you got the skills to academically be competitive within the med curriculum. With this said, if you have amazing academics but lived under a rock for the past four years it will diminish the impact of that 4.0, 45T.

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I think I'm average, I have little volunteer work/academic stuff. No research either. That said, maybe what I think is average is skewed because of everyone on this board :/ Here's my volunteer work/employment:


  • ICU, 4 hours per week, 8 months - My #1 activity, I had a TON of responsibility. Pretty stressful too.
  • 2 Summers Physiotherapy Clinic, 120 hours
  • Hurricane Relief , 9 days
  • 3 Summers with the Federal Government, Pension Clerk


But, I think I *may* be able to compensate because of a wide variety of non-school related activities.

  • Ran a popular website (750 million hits+, 150,000 registered forum members - paid for undergrad with it)
  • Webdesign Business
  • Squash, Jogging and have done 10km runs
  • Blogger
  • Stock Market Investing for the past 4-5 years
  • Newshound - thought of becoming a journalist, so I'm putting it down as a hobby.


Hopefully they like my experiences - but aside from maybe my website, I think my activities/volunteering are very average. I have decent grades, 3.75 and 32R so I hope it all works out in the end. Sometimes I wonder what they expect us to have, I mean we are only 20-21.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I thought I'd refresh this by finally sucking it up and posting my own ECs, which I don't really think are anywhere near alot of peoples- mainly because I think I lack leadership positions, or at least, leadership of peers. I don't really know if being exec of a club is for me- too much administration type stuff?


I know it is still very very very early days for me yet (really only decided to even think seriously about med earlier this year, part way through first year nursing) and I still have tons of time- I'm just looking for feedback about whether I'm on the right track or not. Advice & constructive criticism appreciated.


-Volunteer at church with the children's program (sunday school teacher, VBS, random events, also worked as a counselor for a summer camp last year) for at least 3 or 4 years

-Hospital volunteer, paediatrics, for around 2 years (which helped me decide to go to nursing school)

-Special Olympics volunteer . . . right now I don't really do anything except stand in the outfield and encourage the kids. (But in the fall I hope to have a little more responsibility and be at least an assistant coach)

-Eventually I will start a part time job (I am hired, but waiting for a family/child) where I spend time each week working with a child with disabilities

-Next year I'll be a campus tour guide



Sorry for the looong post!

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This has been said before, but what the heck...


I think the most important thing about your ECs is not what they are... Any activity, penny collecting, model car making, playing a banjo etc are all golden if you have:


1. Done something, anything, besides study


2. Enjoyed the activity in some form and have done it for reasons beyond only med school apps


3. MOST IMPORTANT --> Can easily talk about your activities and the role they played in your life. Aka, what did you learn from the experience. Authentic real answers are key here! The obvious generic stuff will not make you or your activity stand out no matter how awesome the EC. Chances are your interview and thus future acceptance will largely hinge on this last point.





I think admissions is all about convincing current doctors and to a lesser extent senior med students that you are one of them. Because of this I think health care experience is an unofficial prereq. Admissions committees are going to want to know if you know what your getting yourself into etc. If you hated the experience or got nothing from it, you might want to reconsider the med school thing because I can guarantee you that explaining your health care experiences will come up over and over during your quest for admission.

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I am very average... sadly

- Volunteer in ER every week

- sometimes volunteer in the gift shop of anohther hospital

- Class representative for a bio course i took last semester

- VP for a school club

- commissioner for another school club starting in the fall

- Summer research

- Supervisor in a drug store (currently not working, prob will resume in the fall)

- Piano working on grade 9 right now

- next year, i'm thinking of volunteering with best buddies or big brother big sisters....


haha so i'm very average =S

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