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Urgent Advice would be greatly appreciated..

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Hi, I'm currently a 4th year undergrad at McMaster University in the life sci program. I recently applied to the Biology and Pharmacology program, and slightly to my surprise I have been granted an offer. They are asking me to either accept or decline by wednesday (BioPharm is also an ugrad program at Mac).



There are a few things that are weighing heavy on my mind, and impeding my decision to accept:


Firstly, the program would require another 3 years of ugrad (which is a total of 6 for me). I figure this isn't as bad as it sounds, since I will be working some semesters and gaining exposure out in the workforce.


Secondly, this would delay my admissions to medical school for a few years. I am currently taking TPR mcat prep and will be writing it this summer. Would my MCAT mark still be valid 2 summers from now for admissions? Since my first 2 years of Ugrad weren't great I am thinking that this opportunity may be some sort of redemption.


If anyone has been through a similar situation or just feels that they have some useful advice, please let me know...It would really help. Thanks for taking the time to read :)

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I believe most schools require it to be within the last 5 years (in ontario anyhow)... but it would be a good idea to verify that they didn't change anything recently.


U of A comes to mind as one that doesn't care as long as you've written it within the last 25 years or something. Every school has a different policy but it should be good for at least 3 years.

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