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UBC - Favour in province students?

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The admissions committee looks at overall GPA, DAT scores, letters of reference, personal essay, and interview scores when deciding who is accepted. We weren't told how much each category was worth. They do a lot of calculations on a computer and it ranks everyone. In the end, the only info they give out on your ranking is in terms of percentiles (and this is only given to waitlisters).

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What other Canadian schools don't care about IP or OOP status?

I'd like to know this as well.


Allsmiles do you know how they convert our universities marks to their percentages? Because I was looking at their statistics and they show them as percentages whereas their "column" on the omsas conversion table is in a letter grade.

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Here are some I know about:

UofA: 10% OP

UBC: no pref

UMan: Out-of-province applicants and Manitoba residents compete equally for the first 29 positions in the class. The wait list is made up of Manitoba residents only.

I'm not sure about UT or UWO. But I do think they take a lot more IP.

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I'd like to know this as well.


Allsmiles do you know how they convert our universities marks to their percentages? Because I was looking at their statistics and they show them as percentages whereas their "column" on the omsas conversion table is in a letter grade.


I'm not sure how they convert university marks since I didn't really bother about it. (which is surprising...the school I fussed the least over with the little details, I got in) :rolleyes: Since it does seem like they use % instead of letter grade, maybe try using UWO conversion (I think that's what I had relied on). Or better yet, contact them if you want to be absolutely sure.


Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

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