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I was debating applying for MD/PhD next year. My question is, are MD/PhD applicants evaluated under different criteria than regular MD's? If so, what criteria would they be?


I would assume research experience is more valuable.


Also do all schools have MD/PhD programs? I have only heard of UWO and UofT.


Any help would be great.

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Yes, they are definitely evaluated under different criteria - sometimes there are only 9-10 other applicants you are competing against. Research, presentations, conferences and publications are all important, as well as how you view your research as informing your clinical practice. I don't know if this is true but I heard they get a tuition break. UBC also has an MD-PhD program.

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McGill also has an MD/PhD program and states that if your application is not retained for MD/PhD, then it is put into the MD pool so to me, it seems like you have double the chances of getting in provided you have decent stats and some research experience.

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Hrm.. well I was just thinking that my application lends itself towards MD/PhD. I have 5 summers of laboratory research. 1 NSERC. My grades are decent and my MCAT was good save for verbal and writing which were mediocre.


My main weakness was that I didn't have as much EC's. When people were off in other countries doing volunteer work I was in the lab. How important are EC's for MD/PhD.


I was thinking that I would apply MD/PhD. But I'm not sure if those exist for Chemistry PhD's.

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I would only apply for the MD/PhD stream if you are interested in being a clinician-scientist, otherwise the point is moot. It isn't a back-door to gain entrance if you only have research experience.


Thats very true. I like research for the most part. I'm just not sure what someone who has an MD and a PhD in chemistry would do.

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Thats very true. I like research for the most part. I'm just not sure what someone who has an MD and a PhD in chemistry would do.


medical chemistry! You know, interesting thing: A bucky ball carbon molecule, can fit very well in the 'pockets' HIV fits into on a cell.

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If your undergrad was in chem, it doesn't necessarily mean that you'd need to do a PhD in chem... Most MD/PhD programs have students do 1.5-2 years of med school before starting the PhD, and you may become interested in a different field during that time.

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so say you apply to MD and get accepted...then 1-2 years down the road you decide you want to do MD/PhD...what happens?


Depends on the school. At UWO, you can apply for MD/PhD during the first year of your MD. Don't know if you can leave it too late, however. Also don't know what other schools do.


Other option is to do a PhD as part of your residency where, presumably, your research will be applicable to your area of specialization (which may not be the case if you do a PhD before residency).



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