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Re-write DAT?

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hey all,


i know this is probably pretty early to be thinking about this, but I found out that I have been waitlisted at UWO yesterday and am thinking about how I could improve my chances for applying next year. i am currently deciding whether or not to re-write the DAT.


i am somewhat conflicted because my dream school to attend would be UWO - which the only scores they will ever look at are the RC and the AA and i have gathered that these scores are competitive enough from the previous year's stats and people's stats on this forum. but i am hesitant to put all of my eggs in the UWO basket (hahah) and know that re-writing the DAT would give me a better chance at OOP schools (i'm from Ontario btw) and American schools (if i did better!).. as right now my carving score and individual bio & chem scores are kind of hurting me for those schools.


The one factor that is making me hesitate is that UWO will look at your most recent DAT.


so i just wanted to see what people's thoughts were who have gone through this before. for the record, currently i am leaning towards re-writing the DAT.


as a sidenote - i'd like to thank some of the people on this forum with inspirational "i got waitlisted at UWO/your-school-here and got in the following year" stories.. i really appreciate you sharing your experiences as it is an excellent example of how perseverance can pay off in the end. so thanks again! :)

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if you are now entering 4th year, your scores may suffice. If you got an interview and are on the waiting list, your marks must be good. Perhaps your interview didn't go as well as you were hoping.


As a 3rd year student (19AA) I didn't even get waitlisted by UWO; they rejected me. As a 4th year student with the same marks for my best 2 years and a 20 AA I got early acceptance this year. I had a 28 and a 29 on the interview last year, I think I got close to a perfect this year.

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It depends:

How hard did you study to get those scores? If you studied very hard and got those scores, then dont write it again. Because then you risk UWO and all the other schools. But if you hardly studied, then I would definitely study and write it again. Becuase you will most probably do better and therefore it will expand your horizon.

My first time, i didnt study and did badly. RC:17 AA:17 Carving:3 and PA:18

Second time, I studied enough and did better: RC:20, AA:20, Carving:17 and PA:21.

So really it depends on your situation.

Another thing is that you can study harder 4th year and boost up your average.

Being in 3rd year and getting waitlisted is an accomplishment in itself.

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