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Practicing dentistry in Canada after getting a DDS from the US

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I'm not 100% sure...but I believe all you have to do is write the Canadian National Board Exam at the end of fourth year. According to what a dentist in Ontario told me, this test will allow a dentist to practice in any province. And since the U.S. is right on the Canadian border, then the educations should translate. Anyone else with further info?

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All dental schools in Canada are CODA (Commission on Dental Accreditation) approved and there is a reciprocity agreement between Canada and the United States - meaning provided you graduate and write the appropriate board exam you're good to work in Canada or the United States.


Keep in mind, there are some extra regional things you might have to work in a given province or state - such as a French language test (Quebec), RCDSO ethics test (Ontario). However, this rarely warrants extra education except New York which requires a 1 year GPR after graduating to be licensed there but that is for all graduates - including American.


So yah, it's pretty easy to come back. You won't be considered a foreign graduate which requires a 2 year ITD program.

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What about transferring? How difficult do you think it would be to transfer to a Canadian university after your second year?

Quite difficult actually. A spot has to open up in the class that you want to transfer into before you can transfer (which almost never happens) and the Deans on both sides have to approve the transfer as well. Although I have heard of a student transferring from Temple to UWO in his second year. But that's a very rare case.

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Quite difficult actually. A spot has to open up in the class that you want to transfer into before you can transfer (which almost never happens) and the Deans on both sides have to approve the transfer as well. Although I have heard of a student transferring from Temple to UWO in his second year. But that's a very rare case.


Yeah? That's such a shame...I was lead to believe that it was not too difficult...I wasn't aware about the Dean's approval though...

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Yeah? That's such a shame...I was lead to believe that it was not too difficult...I wasn't aware about the Dean's approval though...


Wow, who told you it was easy to transfer? It is never easy, b/c you have minimal amount of spots, if any. As well as, lots of applicant for transfer back to Canada. It is not impossible, but don't put your hopes up!


Marijuana Bubbler

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in regards to the exam- I heard it is hard to pass the exam if you do dentistry in the states?- is this true? Other than finiancial matters, what obstacles would I have to face if I did Dentistry in the states?


I ask because I was rejected from UWO after an interview, and I rather start my dental schooling sooner than later!


Also does anyone know of schools that start in January '09 for dentistry in the states?

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Found on the UWO Dental web site:


These regulations apply to students currently enrolled in approved undergraduate dental programs.


1.Admission beyond the second dental year is not permitted and admission to second dental year will be considered only if a vacancy exists for that year.


Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada.


All students applying for admission to Dentistry whose mother tongue (first language) is not the English language will be required to prove their understanding of the English language. See ‘Proof of English Proficiency" in the Admission Requirements section.


Applicants to second dental year are not required to take the Dental Aptitude Test administered by The Canadian Dental Association.


Applicants who have been required to withdraw by a dental school for academic or other reasons will usually be ineligible for admission to 2nd year.


Applicants must satisfy the general admission requirements of The University of Western Ontario and/or the transfer regulations adopted by Senate.


2. Applicants may be required to be present for an interview and/or submit letters of reference.



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