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FAQ: What are my chances?

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I did all of these crazy MMI questions last year that talked about donating your body to science, being stranded on an island with a gun and one bullet, kill one person or the other... the MMI that I did was nowhere close to that.


The great thing about dealing with these harder/more abstract questions is that when I walked into the real thing, it almost felt easier that they weren't asking me to make these life and death decisions, they just wanted me to be an ethical and comprehensive thinker.

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Hey everyone! I'm entering my fourth year at U of Calgary (Alberta IP) and I'm thinking of applying into the 2011-2012 cycle. However, I did not manage my time well in first and did not do so hot, but defs made up for that in 2nd and 3rd year, so I'm not sure if I should apply to certain schools across Canada. Would my grade in first year do much damage to my chances? Which schools has the greatest chances?


I've taken a full course load (5 per semester) in all 3 years.


Here are my stats:


Year 1: 3:37

Year 2: 4.0

Year 3: 4.0


unweighted cGPA: 3.79


MCAT 12/12/12 S


Extracurriculars: lots to list, main ones to include various leadership positions, orchestra, academic awards, leadership awards, varsity sports team, started my own university club in second year, involvements with student success centre


Research: 3 summers of research with paid funding/research awards, 1 poster presentation


Thanks so much!

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Apply to U of A (if you have taken the necessary pre-reqs):


They will use your 2nd and 3rd year GPA to calculate the GPA, so your very strong in that regard


You have a strong MCAT too and ECs so I think you would pretty much be guaranteed an interview there

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I am going in my fourth year now

First year average : 3.49 ( full course load)

Second year average : 3.32 (24 credits)

Third year average : 3.58 (26 credits)


Overall: 3.478

For best two years: 3.53

Experience: One year at two different research labs, peer mentor ( at uni), 70 hours from hospital (in grade 12), worked for a year

I haven't written my MCAT yet. I wanna write it only if I have any chance of getting into med school. I'll be applying this year (if I do!)

Is there any chance of me getting into med school (in Canada, US)??

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I am going in my fourth year now

First year average : 3.49 ( full course load)

Second year average : 3.32 (24 credits)

Third year average : 3.58 (26 credits)


Overall: 3.478

For best two years: 3.53

Experience: One year at two different research labs, peer mentor ( at uni), 70 hours from hospital (in grade 12), worked for a year

I haven't written my MCAT yet. I wanna write it only if I have any chance of getting into med school. I'll be applying this year (if I do!)

Is there any chance of me getting into med school (in Canada, US)??


I'd say (and maybe others will correct me) that you should postpone graduation, and do a 5th year if you are serious about med. Try and get 3.8 or better in those two years. That will give you a shot at Western, Queens, Dal, and Ottawa, and some others, assuming your MCAT goes well.

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First Year: 3.64

Second Year: 3.9

Third Year: 3.95


cgpa: 3.83

I qualify for the weighting formula at UofT.


EC: Hospital volunteering (2.5 years), peer health educator 1 year, Lab assitant (two summers), Medical trips overseas (went twice for about a week each time - combined 80 hours of experience), Intramural sports at school, tutoring for 1 year (during grade 12). lots of work experience too with part jobs.


MCAT: 12/12/12/S


My EC's are lacking and GPA. Do I have a chance?

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How does 3.64, 3.9 , 3.95 gives you a 3.93 cGPA? You took like 1 course in your first year?


First Year: 3.64

Second Year: 3.9

Third Year: 3.95


cgpa: 3.93

I qualify for the weighting formula at UofT.


EC: Hospital volunteering (2.5 years), peer health educator 1 year, Lab assitant (two summers), Medical trips overseas (went twice for about a week each time - combined 80 hours of experience), Intramural sports at school, tutoring for 1 year (during grade 12). lots of work experience too with part jobs.


MCAT: 12/12/12/S


My EC's are lacking and GPA. Do I have a chance?

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Anyways, can someone comment on my chances please? I'm not really sure...


Should be good - we can never tell you whether or not you will definitely get an interview, but looking at the flow chart and past poster acceptance stats you (and we, hopefully) can get some interviews - you are also probably above cutoff, which is already one third of the battle. Good MCAT, nice to have research, and the wGPA will definitely help. Remember to word your ABS well and strong LORs, then all we can do is hope :)

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Should be good - we can never tell you whether or not you will definitely get an interview, but looking at the flow chart and past poster acceptance stats you (and we, hopefully) can get some interviews - you are also probably above cutoff, which is already one third of the battle. Good MCAT, nice to have research, and the wGPA will definitely help. Remember to word your ABS well and strong LORs, then all we can do is hope :)


thanks. This is so stressful. Its just I keep hearing all these people with close to 4.0 gpas not getting in and it makes me worried about my 3.83 cgpa right now:(


your right all we can do is hope.

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thanks. This is so stressful. Its just I keep hearing all these people with close to 4.0 gpas not getting in and it makes me worried about my 3.83 cgpa right now:(


your right all we can do is hope.

3.83 cGPA is good. Keep up the hard work, since it looks like you've really done well after 1st year. Plus, your MCAT is good as well. Don't worry about those with the 4.0s; they were lacking in other areas of the app.
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I would say in 80%+ of the cases of applicants with 4.0 GPA's, it was because of their interviews that they didn't get in.


If you do poorly on your interviews, no amount of extracurriculars, research, GPA, MCATs could save you.


Otherwise, 3.8+ plus well rounded scores will get you an interview at most places.

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I would say in 80%+ of the cases of applicants with 4.0 GPA's, it was because of their interviews that they didn't get in.


If you do poorly on your interviews, no amount of extracurriculars, research, GPA, MCATs could save you.


Otherwise, 3.8+ plus well rounded scores will get you an interview at most places.


Are there any other schools like the French Universities in Quebec that use a ''comparative system'' to compare your GPA with those in programs different than yours?

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Going into fourth year:

First Year: 3.6

Second Year: 3.7

Third Year: 3.9


cGPA: 3.734

Best two years: 3.79

EC: Volunteered at a clinic, I am doing research right now.


MCAT: I haven't written it yet =(




I sincerely hope you have more ECs than that...


I'll take a shot, anyways-



Queen's- meet cutoff, but your ECs are severely lacking if that's really all you have. Slim chance based on previous year rejectees. Also need to meet MCAT cutoffs, WS score Q or above.

Toronto- Sub-par GPA, relative to average matriculating GPAs (Your wGPA may be competitive). Again, your ECs would hold you back quite a lot. Would need excellent LORs and essay.

Ottawa- I don't think you meet the GPA requirement (assuming you're not from Ottawa).

UWO- Good chance, assuming your MCAT meets cutoffs- VR should be >=11.

McMaster- Decent VR score + CASPer score may get you an interview.


OOP schools- Your GPA and ECs will prevent you from getting an interview at most OOP schools, unless your MCAT comes out incredible.

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Hey so I was hoping to get some feedback on my chances for the upcoming cycle. I'm entering into fourth year. My main concern is that I was ill in first year and I had to miss school on advice of my phycisician. Due to the amount of time I was out I didn't feel that could do well in one course and dropped it. Due to this I have a less than a full course load in first year. I'm not sure if U of T will make an exception in this case. Also I've included that year as one of my two best years. My second year was very good except for one low mark (C+/2.3) that really lowered my average.


Year 1



Year 2



Year 3



cGPA - 3.84 ; Ottawa - 3.85 ; Toronto 3.95 ; Best two years - 3.91


I also wrote the MCAT and got 31Q with an 11 in VR



I have a lot of EC so I'm not really concerned on that front

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