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FAQ: What are my chances?

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Hey so I was hoping to get some feedback on my chances for the upcoming cycle. I'm entering into fourth year. My main concern is that I was ill in first year and I had to miss school on advice of my phycisician. Due to the amount of time I was out I didn't feel that could do well in one course and dropped it. Due to this I have a less than a full course load in first year. I'm not sure if U of T will make an exception in this case. Also I've included that year as one of my two best years. My second year was very good except for one low mark (C+/2.3) that really lowered my average.


Year 1



Year 2



Year 4



cGPA - 3.84 ; Ottawa - 3.85 ; Toronto 3.95 ; Best two years - 3.91


I also wrote the MCAT and got 31Q with an 11 in VR



I have a lot of EC so I'm not really concerned on that front


your cGPA is good for queen's, and your MCAT looks good too. make sure your LORs are strong and that your ABS is polished!


UWO - guaranteed interview based on the last 2 year's stats (as long as you have >9 in PS and >10 in BS)


Ottawa - again, really work on that ABS!


UofT - you might not apply for weighted GPA, but you should make a special request and provide any documentation from your physician at the time to prove you dropped the course for medical reasons. they may choose to give you the weighting, or may choose not to. in any case, your cGPA is good for UofT too even if you don't get the weighting.


Mac - good cGPA, good VR, just nail CASPer


OOP - apply to Dal and UofC for sure! maybe UBC if you think your ECs are strong enough and you have the pre-reqs.


good luck!

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I would say in 80%+ of the cases of applicants with 4.0 GPA's, it was because of their interviews that they didn't get in.


If you do poorly on your interviews, no amount of extracurriculars, research, GPA, MCATs could save you.


Otherwise, 3.8+ plus well rounded scores will get you an interview at most places.




When I think about it, high marks/good non academic accomplishments are great, but being a good med student/clerk is a whole other deal. Med schools want nice, friendly, mature, intelligent, etc. candidates. I guess the interview is key in that respect.

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Hi everyone,


I would like some input on my situation please.. I've always been able to get good grades but had a very bad attitude in high school. I got accepted in an enriched program but got kicked out in the first month for bad behavior. I made it in high math and science programs but failed because I skipped too much. Still the principal and board selected me to get an honors certificate and small bursary because they knew how bad my situation was at home.


I got accepted into cegep but dropped out after the deadline 2 semesters in a row. I quit going to school because and had 2 wonderfull kids. They inspired me to go back and pursue an old dream of mine which is medicine. I work full time so I went back to cegep at night and got 90's in 3 courses and a 65 in macro. I am now taking back my high maths and sciences from home so I can apply for pure and apply sciences.


My EC's are ok, I did a year of volunteering with handicapped children, big brother big sisters and relay for life. I'm waiting for a response from a hospital to volunteer right now and it looks promisingand I have a great deal of personal experience.


For those of you who made it this far down my post, do I have a chance? I am 22 years old and by the time I'm done I will be about 35.. Is it worth it to try? Or am I just waisting precious time with my kids?


Thanks and sorry for the bad grammar, I'm exhausted, French and writting this from my cell :)

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Hey folks!


So I haven't had the most illustrious undergraduate career. Here are the deets:


First, second, and fourth year were only 4.0/5.0 credits during the regular year. I often dropped courses for stupid reasons (ie. getting <85 on a test) and I didn't plan ahead. I took difficult courses and did poorly, and would freak out as a result. I did do a full course load in third year but did rather poorly, not only due to the 5 courses but also because I had overloaded myself with extracurricular responsibilities (two labs, volunteering, multiple clubs)... and struggled as a result.


OMSAS cGPA w/ summer courses: 3.77 w/o: 3.75?


OMSAS breakdown (w/ summer courses)

First: 3.91 (non FCL)

Second: 3.91 (non FCL)

Third: 3.47 (FCL) (ouch)

Fourth: 3.8 (non FCL)


I haven't taken the MCAT yet, but let's assume that the main issue to be addressed is my GPA and lack of full course load semesters.


Basically, I understand that I don't really qualify for any weighting formulas, and as a result my GPA is rather uncompetitive. In fact, I am unsure if I am even eligible for admission to many schools as I stand now due to some requirements for full course loads. I didn't anticipate this and as a result I'm stuck in this sort of situation.


However, I do have the option of doing a Masters in Biochemistry at U of T with a prof I am very fond of.


Would schools be willing to consider me if this were the case? Does anyone think I have the chance provided that I get decent MCAT scores?


I don't want to find out that I'm automatically ineligible to go to med school because of my poor academic decisions. I like to think that with some more effort this is reparable.


Please advise! Thanks.


Or should I begin a second undergrad degree? i am beginning to accept the fact that this is going to take me longer than i had initially hoped. But I am willing to do what it takes to get there.

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Thoughts on me as an applicant and ways to strengthen my application?


Just finished my undergrad at Guelph


Ontario resident with no special weighting formulas looking at all Ontario schools except NOSM, plus Calgary and Dal.


OMSAS GPA: 3.83 UofT GPA: 3.93

1st year - 3.66

2nd year - 3.9

3rdyear - 3.81

4th year - 3.97


MCAT – 34R 11/11/12/R


Research – undergrad thesis with one publication


ECs – Vice president and member of a health focussed club for 3 years, other exec positions, organized two conferences focussed on health, 2 years hospital volunteering, 1 year as a volunteer facilitator for a tutoring group with a marginalized population, 2 years volunteering with homeless individuals, 2 years volunteering with disadvantaged kids, one year volunteering in a nursing home, one year as an undergrad mentor, 3 international volunteer trips + leadership, some sports, work with kids with cancer + random work and a few other things.


Can anyone else comment on my chances for OOP (Dal, Calgary)?

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here goes...


3.94 GPA in second undergrad. 3.52 in first undergrad.

3.55/3.63 science pre-req GPA according to Mcgill requirements. just some confusion since i completed those classes in cegep.

29R MCAT ( 8VR, 10PS, 11BS)

in province in quebec.


typical EC's, research, hospital, TA, clubs...


mcat is on the low end, and so is the science pre-req GPA. i won't need the mcat for mcgill of course. considering moving out to alberta to gain provincial residency.


curious to know what others think, as well as any other options i may have not considered.


thanks in advance.


seeing if i can get any more attention or advice... thanks

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If your primary goal is to stay in Ontario, I think you have an excellent chance. I had very similar stats as you, without the publication, and I was accepted at all five Ontario schools - didn't apply to NOSM.


You don't need to stress about OOP schools, IMO.


Can anyone else comment on my chances for OOP (Dal, Calgary)?
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1st - 3.57 (27 credits)

2nd - 3.49 (24 credits)

3rd - 3.37 (21 credits)

4th - 3.88 (24 credits)

5th - 3.85 (30 credits)


cGPA - 3.65


I'm just wondering what I'm looking at purely based on GPA alone. I'm an Alberta resident living in Calgary.


Thanks :)


A competitive GPA for med schools in Canada is probally 3.85+

With schools that would apply weighting to only your last two years you have a decent chance given you have good ECs and a good MCAT for the places that need it. For schools that are incorporating your other years your GPA is going to weigh you down and you will need great ECs and a great MCAT score.

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Hi all,


I have been browsing on and off from this website to get some insight, or at least advice into my personal dillemma. But first! My current stats:


1st year-3.73(9 courses)

2nd year-3.77(10 courses)

3rd year-3.62 (10 courses)- Was a tough year!

4th year- not completeted


EC: Volunteering 2 years at the hospital (80 hrs), Organic chem tutor, medical responder (not SFA or first aid lol) for St.Johns Ambulance, volunteer at a soup kitchen, working at the hospital as a dietary attendant, captain of intramural basketball team (2 yrs running), summer camp counsellor ( 2years-80 hrs).

Currently signing up for letstalkscience-which should be fun; as well as looking for an interesting research position (my curiosity is kicking in)


Sorry for the long rant, my issue here is regarding my chances of getting into medical school if I was planning on staying back for a 5th year. However, I am planning on not purposely graduating in my 4th year but rather in my 5th :eek:


Why you may ask? Simply because I have decided to take a minor, and would need to take some pre-req courses( for my minor) in my 4th year so I will be eligible to take the advanced courses( for my minor) in my 5th year as well as graduate on time( by my 5th year). Another issue is that most of my minor courses; and some that I did not complete from first year are mainly 2nd year courses. Would med schools flag a potential candidiate with six 2nd year classes and four upper year classes in his/her 4th year as well as graduating after his/her 5th year with a major and a minor. HELP!:(

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If you (iyin0991) do well in your 4th and 5th year (3.8+) you will have a decent chance at Western and Queens in terms of academics considering your last 2 years (even three) have been solid. You would still need a solid MCAT. I like your ECS, they're decent I think; you will need to sell them though. Queens likes mature and well rounded applicants so make that ind mind.


I don't think you'd be eligible for wGPA at UofT, but if things don't work out, pursuing a grad degree would be helpful because UofT (and Queens) likes grad/mature students.


Good luck!

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hi guys i posted this in another category but i wanted a broader perspective. here are my stats:


1st year gpa 3.1

2yr: 3.68

3yr. 3.5 (got a terrible match for a research course.)

4yr. 3.9

5yr. 4


full course load every year


masters grad. couple of publications (1st and 2nd author) excellent references


mcat: bs 12, vr 12. ph 10, writing was q


exp: long term leadership, clinical vol'n, job shadowing, ridiculous interest in research (MD/PhD)


(im also a resident for alberta)


wGPA: UofT 3.76, UofA, 3.8~, UofC (if its the same as UofA, then 3.8), UWO 3.95, Queens, 3.95 (last two years for both UWO and queens)


any input is appreciated


thnks guys

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I know this is slightly premature as I am nowhere near the applying phase, but want to know in advance what kinds of things I can do (besides strong MCAT..etc) to strengthen my chances when I do end up applying.

So here goes

I have just completed my first year of undergrad at Dal, going into Microbiology & Immunology.

I currently have a part time job which I intend to keep during school, and plan on volunteering at my local children's hospital, and having involvement in the Pre Med society. I unfortunately did not have involvement during my first year as I guess I kind of had that "deer in the headlights" thing going on transitioning from high school to uni.

I got a 3.83/4.3 GPA for the year, which if I calculated it right is about a 3.56, which, fro reading these posts seems to not be all that great. I've been told that 1st yr is hardest and that that gpa will increase in the coming years, so hopefully that is true!

I made the Dean's List for the year, and also have an scholarship for 8 000 a year which has been renewed.

As I read these posts, some of the EC's are quite amazing and I would like to know how people fit all of these things in while maintaining competitive marks..are some of these things only in the summer while school is out? Or only once a month or something? There's only 7 days in a week, are the activities weekly?

In general, some advice would be greatly appreciated, as I intend to do everything in my power to become a physician, just some guidance regarding EC's in particular would be wonderful.


Thank you, this forum has been wonderful the last little while..

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Hey guys i would really appreciate it if i got some advice regarding my chances of atleast getting to the interview stage..im going into my third year so there are only a limited number of schools that I am planning to apply to but just wanted another honest opinion about my chances based on marks/MCAT/ECs


I didn't have stellar GPA during the first year (sadly slacked off a bit at the end) but i pulled my cGPA to 3.87 (for 2 years). I am writing my MCAT during the first week of Sept. so i wont get my marks before the OMSAS deadline.


As for ECs, i haven't done another spectacular but here's a list: Hospital volunteering (4 yeas/250 hrs and ongoing - 4 different departments), TA for math last summer, 1 summer of research (no publication and sharing project with prof), would be a exec for first year event coordination for Lets Talk Science during the upcoming year


I am a looong time lurker of these forums but have finally decided to post! and again I would appreciate any help..thanks! :)

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hi guys i posted this in another category but i wanted a broader perspective. here are my stats:


1st year gpa 3.1

2yr: 3.68

3yr. 3.5 (got a terrible match for a research course.)

4yr. 3.9

5yr. 4


full course load every year


masters grad. couple of publications (1st and 2nd author) excellent references


mcat: bs 12, vr 12. ph 10, writing was q


exp: long term leadership, clinical vol'n, job shadowing, ridiculous interest in research (MD/PhD)


(im also a resident for alberta)


wGPA: UofT 3.76, UofA, 3.8~, UofC (if its the same as UofA, then 3.8), UWO 3.95, Queens, 3.95 (last two years for both UWO and queens)


any input is appreciated


thnks guys


I'd like to say you are competitive for UofA. They love students who have done research and you have plenty of it. Your MCAT is great. Your EC's are not bad..your cGPA of 3.8 is good, but from what i've been hearing, this year it was 3.85-3.89; however, if you improve your EC's, you'll be fine. more than fine.

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I'd like to say you are competitive for UofA. They love students who have done research and you have plenty of it. Your MCAT is great. Your EC's are not bad..your cGPA of 3.8 is good, but from what i've been hearing, this year it was 3.85-3.89; however, if you improve your EC's, you'll be fine. more than fine.


for UofA, that's my wGPA, not cGPA; does that matter? my cGPA for undergrad was 3.45~ but i am eligible for the wGPA i have listed. does my cGPA matter?

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What are my chances?


GPA 1st year: 3.78

2nd: 3.89

3rd: 3.93


cGPA: 3.86 UoT: 3.93

MCAT: 10p, 10v, 10b, R on WS = 30 R


Volunteer: Quite a bit of it since grade 12. 3 years on student government, currently president of a society I've been involved in since 1st year, volunteer trip, working with Canada Mental Health Commission, Ronald McDonald House etc. Lots of extracurriculars too.

Medical experience: Summer student at the hospital doing rounds with doctors. Medical receptionist during summers. Currently working on a summer research project for the hospital.


I'm applying to DAL, MUN, Ottawa, Toronto, McMaster, McGill, Calgary and Queen's. I don't have enough CHEM


Feedback would be great!

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