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FAQ: What are my chances?

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What are my chances?


GPA 1st year: 3.78

2nd: 3.89

3rd: 3.93


cGPA: 3.86 UoT: 3.93

MCAT: 10p, 10v, 10b, R on WS = 30 R


Volunteer: Quite a bit of it since grade 12. 3 years on student government, currently president of a society I've been involved in since 1st year, volunteer trip, working with Canada Mental Health Commission, Ronald McDonald House etc. Lots of extracurriculars too.

Medical experience: Summer student at the hospital doing rounds with doctors. Medical receptionist during summers. Currently working on a summer research project for the hospital.


I'm applying to DAL, MUN, Ottawa, Toronto, McMaster, McGill, Calgary and Queen's. I don't have enough CHEM


Feedback would be great!


always hard to evaluate ECs etc - where you did them is less important that details as to what you did etc :) but the GPA/MCAT is high enough for hit the target schools historically speaking. You never know what the cut offs are going to be for Western so you can consider applying there (VR was not always 11, that is just the last two years). Who knows it might fall so it is a personal choice.

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always hard to evaluate ECs etc - where you did them is less important that details as to what you did etc :) but the GPA/MCAT is high enough for hit the target schools historically speaking. You never know what the cut offs are going to be for Western so you can consider applying there (VR was not always 11, that is just the last two years). Who knows it might fall so it is a personal choice.


I don't think apply to Western because I didn't do honours. I meant that I have been volunteering consistently since high school (going into 4th year now).

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BSc. Advanced Major in Psych at St.FX. 4 year degree. I think St. FX is the only school that recognizes Advanced Majors.


ahhh that still sounds like the sort of degree you could use to get a Masters right after?


The reason I am asking is Western accepts Honours degrees or equivalent


Most 4 year degrees fall into the equivalent category.

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ahhh that still sounds like the sort of degree you could use to get a Masters right after?


The reason I am asking is Western accepts Honours degrees or equivalent


Most 4 year degrees fall into the equivalent category.


Oh really? I assumed you'd need a thesis or something. I do have to write a senior paper as part of the Ad. Major and I have a supervisor, second reader and all that. Thanks!

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Oh really? I assumed you'd need a thesis or something. I do have to write a senior paper as part of the Ad. Major and I have a supervisor, second reader and all that. Thanks!


Well that doesn't even matter - many degrees that would qualify have no thesis component at all. The best criteria (other than of course directly checking with the office) is if it is a 4 year degree offered standard by your school that would qualify you to apply to a masters program. Your program certainly falls into that category it would seem.


Keep that in mind - your VR is still one point below cut off (unless your are SWOMEN) but you never know. Your choice and of course if you ever upgrade you mcat it might become an even stronger option.

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Academics: BScH Chemistry at Acadia University


1st yr GPA: 4.0 acadia, 3.98 OSMAS converted

2nd yr GPA: 4.0 acadia, 3.97 OSMAS converted

MCAT: 13PS 10VR 12BS for a 35R




Competitive boxer for the last 6 years


Played junior varsity basketball for Acadia


Part-time pianist for the local seventh-day adventist church for 5+ years (been a member of the church my whole life)


Program leader in the Acadia SMILE program (sensory motor and instructional leadership experience) I volunteered as an instructor in first year and applied for a leadership position for second year and got that, will be continuing that position again next year


Relay for life planning committee - volunteered as a member for the past two years, have been asked to head the survivors planning committee next year and will be doing so


Intro chemistry help centre - have volunteered as a tutor am a co-founder of the program


Acadia chemistry club - member during first year, on executive as treasurer for second year


Also, my girlfriend and I are in the process of having a club/committee started at Acadia that is for raising awareness about destructive decisions (excessive drinking, drugs, sex, etc) as both of us were presidents of similar groups in high school and have personal experiences with these issues (family members, etc)


Just entering third year, thinking of applying to a few of the schools that accept students without having finished their degrees. Most specifically U of A.


Not really concerned with getting in this year, just want to get a feel for the process, maybe an interview or something. Wondering if you guys think I have a chance of that at all?


Let me know if there is anything else you need!

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BMATH Honours Applied Math/Bio Option, co-op, UWaterloo, Ontario Resident [not SWOMEN or in Ottawa], going into 3rd year


1st year: 3.99 OMSAS

2nd year: 3.99 OMSAS


MCAT: 14p/10v/10b/S = 34S


EC: national/international math competitions, scholarship, nserc, possible conference paper (will be submitted soon), campus response team, cultural club president, trivia team club exec (continuation of trivia team in high school), classical guitar (11yrs), hosp volunteering, other clubs/hobbies, etc.


Do you think I have a shot at IP schools like U of T, Mac, Ottawa, Queens?

Also, what OOP schools should I apply to? I was thinking Calgary and Sask, are there others I should be considering?


I would like to get in this year.


Many thanks!

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BMATH Honours Applied Math/Bio Option, co-op, UWaterloo, Ontario Resident [not SWOMEN or in Ottawa], going into 3rd year


1st year: 3.99 OMSAS

2nd year: 3.99 OMSAS


MCAT: 14p/10v/10b/S = 34S


EC: national/international math competitions, scholarship, nserc, possible conference paper (will be submitted soon), campus response team, cultural club president, trivia team club exec (continuation of trivia team in high school), classical guitar (11yrs), hosp volunteering, other clubs/hobbies, etc.


Do you think I have a shot at IP schools like U of T, Mac, Ottawa, Queens?

Also, what OOP schools should I apply to? I was thinking Calgary and Sask, are there others I should be considering?


I would like to get in this year.


Many thanks!


GPA and MCAT are solid (given that you met cut offs), good job. Only "negative" thing is that you've only completed 2 years. UofT and Queens like slightly older applicants. Regardless, you have a strong shot because your ECs look good. If not this year, keep trying you are bound to get into med school (Y)

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BMATH Honours Applied Math/Bio Option, co-op, UWaterloo, Ontario Resident [not SWOMEN or in Ottawa], going into 3rd year


1st year: 3.99 OMSAS

2nd year: 3.99 OMSAS


MCAT: 14p/10v/10b/S = 34S


EC: national/international math competitions, scholarship, nserc, possible conference paper (will be submitted soon), campus response team, cultural club president, trivia team club exec (continuation of trivia team in high school), classical guitar (11yrs), hosp volunteering, other clubs/hobbies, etc.


Do you think I have a shot at IP schools like U of T, Mac, Ottawa, Queens?

Also, what OOP schools should I apply to? I was thinking Calgary and Sask, are there others I should be considering?


I would like to get in this year.


Many thanks!


You're pretty much guaranteed an interview at Queen's, unless your reference letters are below average - or the VR cutoff goes higher, which is very unlikely. UWO is probably going to stick with 11VR, so you won't get interview there - apply anyway. U of T is a long shot as a 3rd year applicant - apply though and hope for the best. Mac and their ridiculous CASPer is always a long shot for anyone.


I would practice like crazy for the Queen's MMI interview when the time comes. The interview will determine whether you get in or not.

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I would widen the net and include at least Dal, U/O, U/T, Mac.


You definitely have a decent shot - get busy! :P


(edit: I did not check whether Dal accepts 3rd year students)


Academics: BScH Chemistry at Acadia University


1st yr GPA: 4.0 acadia, 3.98 OSMAS converted

2nd yr GPA: 4.0 acadia, 3.97 OSMAS converted

MCAT: 13PS 10VR 12BS for a 35R




Competitive boxer for the last 6 years


Played junior varsity basketball for Acadia


Part-time pianist for the local seventh-day adventist church for 5+ years (been a member of the church my whole life)


Program leader in the Acadia SMILE program (sensory motor and instructional leadership experience) I volunteered as an instructor in first year and applied for a leadership position for second year and got that, will be continuing that position again next year


Relay for life planning committee - volunteered as a member for the past two years, have been asked to head the survivors planning committee next year and will be doing so


Intro chemistry help centre - have volunteered as a tutor am a co-founder of the program


Acadia chemistry club - member during first year, on executive as treasurer for second year


Also, my girlfriend and I are in the process of having a club/committee started at Acadia that is for raising awareness about destructive decisions (excessive drinking, drugs, sex, etc) as both of us were presidents of similar groups in high school and have personal experiences with these issues (family members, etc)


Just entering third year, thinking of applying to a few of the schools that accept students without having finished their degrees. Most specifically U of A.


Not really concerned with getting in this year, just want to get a feel for the process, maybe an interview or something. Wondering if you guys think I have a chance of that at all?


Let me know if there is anything else you need!

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Hey guys i would really appreciate it if i got some advice regarding my chances of atleast getting to the interview stage..im going into my third year so there are only a limited number of schools that I am planning to apply to but just wanted another honest opinion about my chances based on marks/MCAT/ECs


I didn't have stellar GPA during the first year (sadly slacked off a bit at the end) but i pulled my cGPA to 3.87 (for 2 years). I am writing my MCAT during the first week of Sept. so i wont get my marks before the OMSAS deadline.


As for ECs, i haven't done another spectacular but here's a list: Hospital volunteering (4 yeas/250 hrs and ongoing - 4 different departments), TA for math last summer, 1 summer of research (no publication and sharing project with prof), would be a exec for first year event coordination for Lets Talk Science during the upcoming year


I am a looong time lurker of these forums but have finally decided to post! and again I would appreciate any help..thanks! :)


Also, do I have any chance of getting in UofT with my ECs? I was thinking of applying only to Mac and Ottawa! Thanks again :)

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fireflakes, you are already aware as a 3rd year student, it is an uphill battle. Having said this, also apply to U/T and write a killer essay.


Regardless of the outcome, this experience will prepare you better for next season - and I know of more than one 3rd yr applicant who only applied for the experience and got into med school. So, go for it!! :)

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fireflakes, you are already aware as a 3rd year student, it is an uphill battle. Having said this, also apply to U/T and write a killer essay.


Regardless of the outcome, this experience will prepare you better for next season - and I know of more than one 3rd yr applicant who only applied for the experience and got into med school. So, go for it!! :)


Yeah in this game you see an opportunity to get in and you take it. No point sitting on the sidelines :)

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I believe Dal and Mac both require a degree for application, so they are out of the question for me right now :(


I'm thinking I will apply to U/A, U/T, U/O, and queens. My only concern is travelling for interviews, etc. My parents do not have any money that they can give me for this, and I am paying for my undergrad by myself as well. So I really cant afford to travel much for them, so my concern is that it might be better to save my money for applications during 4th year when I will have a stronger chance?


Also, I will be able to apply to Dal then (I live about an hour from there and am a Maritime applicant). So I will have better chances there than I will anywhere else and it would be easy enough to get there for the interview.


Any thoughts?

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Being cheap can be expensive, that is to say while saving money for travelling to a potential interview that may result in acceptance (and having one more year of your highest income as physician), you are limiting your options and opportunities for the wrong reasons. My two cents.


Take it one step at a time.

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fireflakes, you are already aware as a 3rd year student, it is an uphill battle. Having said this, also apply to U/T and write a killer essay.


Regardless of the outcome, this experience will prepare you better for next season - and I know of more than one 3rd yr applicant who only applied for the experience and got into med school. So, go for it!! :)


agreed :) I am applying just to get a feel of OMSAS and the application process but getting into one would be so bad either :P

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Thoughts on my chances?


Ontario Resident (no special status), Laurier Health Sci Student (Going into 3rd year)


cGPA: 3.84

First year: 3.86

Second Year 3.82


MCAT: 11p/10v/10b/Q = 31Q


Extracurriculars: About 2 years research, heavily involved with Orientation Week, Volunteered/Worked at/Run a summer day camp (5 years), Health Sci Students Association (2 years), Relay for Life Exec, Intramurals, Ran a Weekend to End Breast Cancer Fundraiser, guitar/drums, a few more things (not particularly worried about ECs, except no hospital experience)


I'm applying to Queens, UofT, Ottawa, Mac for sure; thinking maybe about Calgary and Saskatchewan. I'm applying mostly for the experience, hoping for at least an interview. I'd love to get in this year but I do understand the difficulty a third year applicant faces.


So what do you guys think?

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Laurier has a Health Sci Program? o.O


But besides that your stats are good.. def competiitve



Thoughts on my chances?


Ontario Resident (no special status), Laurier Health Sci Student (Going into 3rd year)


cGPA: 3.84

First year: 3.86

Second Year 3.82


MCAT: 11p/10v/10b/Q = 31Q


Extracurriculars: About 2 years research, heavily involved with Orientation Week, Volunteered/Worked at/Run a summer day camp (5 years), Health Sci Students Association (2 years), Relay for Life Exec, Intramurals, Ran a Weekend to End Breast Cancer Fundraiser, guitar/drums, a few more things (not particularly worried about ECs, except no hospital experience)


I'm applying to Queens, UofT, Ottawa, Mac for sure; thinking maybe about Calgary and Saskatchewan. I'm applying mostly for the experience, hoping for at least an interview. I'd love to get in this year but I do understand the difficulty a third year applicant faces.


So what do you guys think?

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I'm also a pre-med so obviously I'm not the best authority on this lol, but I think you would have a very solid application, especially for Queens. I hope you apply!


Thanks! I also forgot to mention that I have been doing research since first year (so 2 summers now as well as during the year in second year) and have one paper already published in the journal of photochemical and photobiological sciences and am currently finishing up work for a second paper we hope to publish in a couple of months.


As well, I have been a leader involved with the orientation week activities quite extensively as well and a volunteer counselor at the environmental science summer camps held at Acadia.


Anyone have thoughts on me waiting till 4th year?

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Thanks! I also forgot to mention that I have been doing research since first year (so 2 summers now as well as during the year in second year) and have one paper already published in the journal of photochemical and photobiological sciences and am currently finishing up work for a second paper we hope to publish in a couple of months.


As well, I have been a leader involved with the orientation week activities quite extensively as well and a volunteer counselor at the environmental science summer camps held at Acadia.


Anyone have thoughts on me waiting till 4th year?


You'll be fine with those stats and ECs.

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