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Do dental school prefer applicants from a university with a good reputation

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I'm pretty sure dental schools have a grade conversion chart to standardize the universities. Thus reputation would matter less, if at all.

For example (note: I'm guessing for this part): If you're one of those guys who can walk and talk and went to Brock, I think you would have to do *a little* better grade-wise than if you went to say, UofT, Queens, UWO, etc...let's just say a bigger university.

Hope that helps.

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It would be a lie to say no they won't. But it's much smaller than many people may believe. This comes into play when considering borderline grades.


I think the effect it has is minimal to the point where it is negligible. I mean, I'm from a really really small university that is definitetly not very prestigious, but many of our alumni have gotten into dents.

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Unfortunately it almost plays no factor at all. It would actually be more advantageous to go to a less prestigious university as your grades will very likely be higher. Schools do use a grade conversion chart, but almost all schools on the chart are treated equally. The material you learn at most universities will be the same, but you can be a top student at the less prestigious school, or just average at the prestigious one. It has always surprised me schools do not factor this in more. Which is why I'm a big fan of putting more weight on standaradized tests to distinguish students, but I guess some people don't like them.

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