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Why is McGill so secretive about releasing IP stats?

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I know i've been posting obsessively, and I apologize for that. However, I STILL cannot get a solid number in terms of GPA and DAT scores for in province applicants to McGill. I have tried everything; contacting students, calling McGill (I called Patricia Bassett), sent out several emails, kept trying to get in touch with Dental students...absolutely nothing. When I called McGill, the lady there told me to apply with my 3.7 GPA. As nice as she is, let's be completely honest. She works for the school. Of course she's going to encourage me to apply; applying brings them money. I realize that I'm getting on the last nerve of some people, and I'm truly sorry for that. This is really important to me. Getting accepted into McGill would make my day. My cousin is an engineering major there, so that's great, and tuition costs are extremely convenient. Thus, it would really help me to figure out if I'm in the ballpark compared to other IP applicants, or whether I should stick to studying for the American DAT. Again, I urge any McGill D1's and current acceptees/rejectees to please PM me their GPAs and/or DAT scores. Thank you so much.


If you don't apply, you have a 100% chance of not getting in.


Ms Bassett will not be making commission by telling you to apply man, so don't think she's giving you misleading tips. When an applicant is in the grey area, Admins will tell them to apply because basically everyone has a chance (even if its unlikely), and sometimes things get lucky.


Just apply and see what happens. 75$ is nothing, and if you're IP, I would definitely apply. If you have a great DAT score you might even be pretty competitive. Also, the cost of being out of school on your butt for a year and wasting an opportunity is going to be more painful than writing essays, tracking down letters of rec, etc.



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Why is McGill so secretive about releasing IP stats?


I believe it's because they have a pretty small pool of accepted students that might fluctuate significantly from year to year depending on how competitive the applicants are on a specific year. They only take 30 each year which is broken down to 10 for pre-dent directly from CEGEP, 10 OOP and intl, and only 10 from IP applicants. I would say the competition is very high considering only 10 spots for each pool. The small pool makes the statistics unreliable, ain't it?


Escort (europe)

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If you don't apply, you have a 100% chance of not getting in.


Ms Bassett will not be making commission by telling you to apply man, so don't think she's giving you misleading tips. When an applicant is in the grey area, Admins will tell them to apply because basically everyone has a chance (even if its unlikely), and sometimes things get lucky.


I'm not going to pretend I know anything about the Admissions Committee or how things work, but what follows is purely my logic. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Sure, she may not make commission, but it seems in her best interests to have a large fund of applicants' money to pay for her salary, and perhaps a few secretaries to help her work. The more money she gets, the more people she can hire in her department for the upcoming years. And if she can get a lot of people to apply that she is certain their applications will be thrown out without taking up a lot of their time, then that's even better for her. Now she has more money to pay for reviewing fewer applications.

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Okay, let me just get something straight - if it's about the money and time, then how badly do you want this? You say it's very important, so then why is this even an issue?? Apply. Like someone said, you're guaranteed not to get in if you don't apply! I get it that you want to see where you stand in the applicant pool, but the pool changes from year to year, so really, the past GPA averages won't give you a definite answer anyway. Granted it won't be a huge variation, but I think you're a little too hung up on this. People with grades worse than yours apply and they're not immediately thrown out (I know people who got in with less than a 3.5 GPA, especially IPs) because the application is about more than just GPA and DAT scores.


I'm no expert on how the selection works, but I know that if you have a stellar interview, it can make up for less than stellar marks...and from the looks of it your marks are pretty good. Basically, if I was in your position I would apply. If you're too concerned over the money/time lost to go for something you claim to want so bad, I really can't help you there.


As for this craziness about commission...correct me if I'm wrong, but I have trouble believing that application fees have anything to do with support staff salaries. One would hope the faculty would get funding from the university for that...so unless whoever you called is a recruitment officer or something, I highly doubt that they will be getting some sort of bonus for convincing students to apply. Plus, I highly doubt someone sits around the faculty opening applications and shredding them before reading the rest if the applicant doesn't have a 3.5 GPA. Like I said, I know people who got in with lower marks, which means that unless you're applying with a D average, I'm pretty sure your essay and recommendation letters will get read. Ace those and do well on the interview and I don't see why you won't get in.

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I'm not going to pretend I know anything about the Admissions Committee or how things work, but what follows is purely my logic. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Sure, she may not make commission, but it seems in her best interests to have a large fund of applicants' money to pay for her salary, and perhaps a few secretaries to help her work. The more money she gets, the more people she can hire in her department for the upcoming years. And if she can get a lot of people to apply that she is certain their applications will be thrown out without taking up a lot of their time, then that's even better for her. Now she has more money to pay for reviewing fewer applications.




Call Ms. Bassett and fly that theory by her. Let us know what she says, how hard she laughs, and how quick she hangs up.

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