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Near the end, while I was carving the V at the back. But I wasn't measuring or anything and it was pretty ugly to begin with (I'm only applying to U of T and Western).


oooh the V...that's a much better description than "a notched triangle with only 2 sides carved" :D

ya same here..i don't care about carving

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Yeah, the answer was echinoderms and chordates though.


really?? lol i guessed that one too


For the two questions on florescence injected in the beginning, were they both gap junctions or was the first one something else?


I think the one after gap junction it said a molecule with a size of 1200D and I remember vividly that gap juctions dont allow anything bigger then 1000D so something else and I said exocytosis as the answer....which still doesnt make sense I know but gap junction wasnt it so I guessed exocytosis...

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I was just laying in bed and that buret question popped into my head. I haven't done a titration in years!!! Do you guys remember what the answer to that one was? I can't even remember if the question was asking how much fluid had been removed or how much was still in the buret...

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Carving: I didn't even get to finish carving haha,, but I dont care at this point, this is my fourth time taking DAT and I came to conclusion that I am just not good with soaps.


Bio: I am glad I didn't even bother studying for the SCI section. My evolution and microbio background helped out alot, but studying from XXplan is just waste of money and time.


Reading: I went ape XXXX on RC, definitely easier than previous DATS, but probably bell curved, so I just hope to clear the RC requirement for UWO.


Overall: I took CDAT at UT and a lot of ppl are talking about resorting to taking american DAT. Well personally, I prefer american dat for obvious reasons such as no carving, and at least they dont make you wait for a couple of hours out in the cold.


Anyway good luck to everyone!

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Overall: I took CDAT at UT and a lot of ppl are talking about resorting to taking american DAT. Well personally, I prefer american dat for obvious reasons such as no carving, and at least they dont make you wait for a couple of hours out in the cold.


Anyway good luck to everyone!


you can't get in to canadian schools with an american DAT score..

they just wont accept you... sucks for Canadians :(

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Carving: Easy, seing all i practiced were squares triangles and rectangles with fluted or notched ends.


Bio: Hard, but i knew i wouldn't understand **** cause i didn't do the classes that taught what was in the test (and that's why quebec universities don't care about bio/chem)


Chem: Easy, didn't study cause i don't need it, but it was still cake


PAT: I'd say it was harder than the practice one the dat gave us, but still doable. I'd see getting 75-80/90 in here.


Overall: Seeing i only need 5/30 carving and 10/30 PAT, i'm not nervous.

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Bio: wtf?? My blue kaplan book didn't cover much of the material there

Chem: good, very straight forward

RC: haha, this is probably my "make or break" in determining whether i will rewrite or not... i have no idea how i did since i never practiced this section :(

Carving: this was fairly easy, I finished with 10 mins to spare, so i spent that time on tweaking minor details

PAT: surprisingly much easier than kaplan's questions... but I still needed every second

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Does anyone remember those 2 questions that were very similar in the nucleus passage (one was chromatin) but I forgot what the question and answer was for the other one. I think it said something about where the majority of DNA can be found within the nucleus, cant quite remember, its a blur.


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I remember those two questions and thanks for responding, but the two questions i am referring to both had something to do with DNA in the question, and chromatin in the answer choices. The heterochromatin and euchromatin were different questions.

thanks again

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