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U Manitoba

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LOL, I almost died when I found out how much Dentistry tuition was when my friend got accepted there. I was like..."So, you must REALLY like teeth, huh?" and we were trying to get her to at least apply to med because it was "so much cheaper!" Ah, the good 'ol days. She really does live and breathe teeth, though.

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Oh yeah. I actually find med tuition to be reasonable. Dent is like...whoa. Too much moolah for moi. :eek:


in the grand scheme of things.. does it matter? not to mention. the first few years out of dental school, dentists will be earning much more than med students in residency (almost all students don't do a residency in dentistry). If you take the difference, and use that to pay off dental school, the costs could be similar.

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LOL, I almost died when I found out how much Dentistry tuition was when my friend got accepted there. I was like..."So, you must REALLY like teeth, huh?" and we were trying to get her to at least apply to med because it was "so much cheaper!" Ah, the good 'ol days. She really does live and breathe teeth, though.


Oh yeah. I actually find med tuition to be reasonable. Dent is like...whoa. Too much moolah for moi. :eek:


Dentists actually make money once they complete dental school. Med students need to residency where they can work up to 70-80hrs a week and get very under paid for it. So in comparison, the med tuition is more than you think because you will be paying it off for a long time, because you don't make that much money right off the bat. It is actually quite unfortunate for med students, I feel their pain; they have to work their ass off in high school, work their ass off in undergrad to get in, work their ass off while they are in med school, and once they get out they still need to work their ass off in residency. Oh wait and they need to work their ass off once out of residency too and after all that they get what, around 100k a year for a GP? That is BS, physicians are really underpaid.


On another note, if you ignore a profession simply because the tuition is too much, than that is just plain stupid. A career is something that you do for the rest of your life, and a little bit more money spent in school does not effect your well-being in the long run. I have always believed that in school, you are not SPENDING money but you are INVESTING money into yourself as a person. Who knows? You might be a great dentist, have hands of a madman, be very savvy at the business aspect of dentistry, but oh wait, it costed too much so now you are stuck in a profession that you are only subpar at in comparison.

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^^Yeah...unless you're like me and my dent-friend who can afford to pay med tuition in cash every year but would need loans to cough up the dent tuition. Actually, that's not entirely true: I'd need the loans but her dad is paying her tuition in cash. Frankly, I'm not into teeth enough to crawl into debt over them.


That was quite the over-analysis my friend, but I'm impressed with your analytical skills. Good show. :D

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