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UWO initial rejections and later invitations

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Hey...so just wondering what ppl are speculating here...Is there a likely chance that Western gives out invitations in a way similar to last yr i.e. ppl just meeting the cutoffs (those with 83-84%) being initially rejected but invited later to fill in interview spots. Also, i think this lowered last yrs interview cutoff from the initially stated 84.55 to 83% (although I think ppl just meeting the cutoffs had a harder time even after interviewing since average of accepted applicants was around 88%)

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Do you actually know if that happened to an applicant. Western seems to have no problem filling seats! Also, that process would be unfair to the people who have outstanding grades but missed the reading cutoff. I don't know if I really believe that. Western selects their applicant pool once all the applications are in, and once they have a final number, they figure out an equation between a minumum average of two best years and they set the reading cutoff at a number that allows approximately 250 interviews. As far as I know, this is all determined first. Judging by the stats of class 2012 I don't think they were calling up people with 83% after they were initially rejected seeing as the class of 2012 avg is 88.51 or whatever.

Just my thoughts!

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hey....apparently this did happen last yr at least based on last yrs discussions on this forum...and the min. avg of interviewing actually was 83% as you can see by looking at the stats posted on the Western website. However last yr the initially informed avg was 84.55%...so im assuming this drop to 83 represents those interviewed after rejections....

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how do you convert letter grade GPA to % GPA? for example, if i have 1 A and 1A+ (assuming 85-89 for A and 90-100 for A+) would I do 89+100/2 ?


nope....if your university only gives letter grades, then using the omsas scale range, the middle value of the range would be used in calculating the average...so A would be 87 and A+ 95 and the avg. 87+95/2

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