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Pre-Req courses for the States

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I have a couple of Qs regarding this issue that hopefully some ppl have experience about:


1) If you're applying for the 2010/2011 year at dental schools (around May-June when openings start for applications) and you're still taking some summer courses, should you wait until you get your final grades (late august), send your transcripts, then apply?


2) I know about every U.S. school has a pre-req of English. Can you still apply for the 2010/2011 year while somehow noting that you'll have it complete before your entrance? (i.e. during the year you apply). Do they frown upon this?


3) If you scored poorly on your pre-req undergrad chemistry,physics, biochem courses etc. (I got Cs in them all in 1st year undergrad and am now in 5th year) is it wise to re-take them again, albeit a bit later, and do extremely well? I'm planning on re-taking physics and biochem this summer, chem next term.



Thanks for any help, I greatly appreciate it.

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The problem with that is there aren't really any upper-year chemistry or physics courses with laboratory I can take which aren't reserved for those specializing in physics or chem. It also would seem rather pointless to take higher level advanced chemistry or physics courses and kill yourself when all that is needed are basic levels...

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