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Q about timing of DAT & rewriting

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Hi all,


I'm not sure..when the best time to write my DAT would be.

I'm in second year right now..planning to hopefully shadow a dentist over the summer.


Yes, the best time to write the DAT would be when I'm most ready! But..I don't know if I should be studying for the DAT over the summer AND shadow (if I can find a dentist who would let me).


But..if I don't write it this summer and devote my time to volunteering, the other time would be..November of my 4th year, then I would be applying without knowing my DAT scores. That seems REALLY shady..


but then, do people significantly improve their DAT scores on the 2nd write?


=( ..if this seems like a stupid question, sorry. I've been stressing out about stuff lately.. can't seem to get myself together. It just seems like maybe I'm starting things too late.


Does studying for the DAT take up the entire summer? Or can I easily squeeze in shadowing + other volunteer activities with DAT studies?




Thank you so much in advance,

Confused n00b:confused:

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It all depends on how familiar you are with the studying material. I wrote my first DAT on Nov as a 2nd year and I found some of the sciences fairly new. I wrote it again this year(Nov) as a third year and found it somewhat easier to study because now most of it was covered by univ lectures. In terms of studying time, I prepared for a week both times as do many others. Although many prepare for months, it really depends on how confident you are. Also keep in mind that DAT will most likely be during exam week so prepare in advance if you are not so confident.

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It all depends on how familiar you are with the studying material. I wrote my first DAT on Nov as a 2nd year and I found some of the sciences fairly new. I wrote it again this year(Nov) as a third year and found it somewhat easier to study because now most of it was covered by univ lectures. In terms of studying time, I prepared for a week both times as do many others. Although many prepare for months, it really depends on how confident you are. Also keep in mind that DAT will most likely be during exam week so prepare in advance if you are not so confident.


The DAT is not as intensive as the MCAT. You DO NOT need to study the entire summer for it. There is barely anything to remember for the DAT it is all about practice, practice, practice!!! And practice takes time. So all said and done, if you choose to volunteer in the summer, and you can easily look over some DAT stuff in the summer. However at this point in time, you should only be familiarizing yourself with the test and the components, not necessarily going hardcore. If you want to study for the sciences in the summer, don't bother, you'll just forget it all by the time Nov hits. I know it did for me.


However I would NOT do what jumptheair did. Studying a week before the DAT is not smart. There is no way you can practice proper techniques for the PAT, Reading and ESPECIALLY the carving in a week. You could study only the sciences in a week but that's about it. Like I said, the DAT is all about investing the time to practice, and practicing takes time.


Also don't think about rewriting. Do it one time, focus all your energy on it. If you keep on thinking in your mind "oh I always get another chance" you will not be committed to doing your very best. Be committed. I did very well on my DAT and it allows me to focus on my studies and extracurriculars, also important aspects of the application process.


Good luck bro!

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I agree with herragge. It's definately not encouraged to do what I did(prepare for a week). I wish I had a week or two longer for for preparation but it was during midterms so I couldn't find much time, not to mention that i procrastinate like a madman.


For PAT,RC and carving, try to find some methods that will help you learn more effectively. For PAT, try the methods in books and if they don't work for you too well, try developing your own. As for carving, I would recommend taking a course or at least get some help from someone who can really carve like I did.


I guess most importantly, have the mind set of not thinking about rewriting, as herrage said. If I was as smart as herragge on DAT preparation, I wouldn't have written it for the second time, which is NOT fun.


Good luck.

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