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anyone got US Dschool acceptance letter?

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I know US dental schools start sending acceptance letters

Any canadians got the LETTER?

When did u have ur interview? and when did u get ur acceptance letter?


Got mine this morning by e-mail, the letter will probably take a week or so to get here. I interviewed 2 weeks ago so it's pretty sweet.

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Hey Simba, congrats...

sorry for hijacking this thread but I really would like to know if you or any of the US dent applicants here have shadowing experience.

I tried searching for a dentist who would allow me to shadow before applying but after a couple of refusals (one from even a family friend's relative who was a dentist!), I decided to go ahead and submit my app.


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Hey Simba, congrats...

sorry for hijacking this thread but I really would like to know if you or any of the US dent applicants here have shadowing experience.

I tried searching for a dentist who would allow me to shadow before applying but after a couple of refusals (one from even a family friend's relative who was a dentist!), I decided to go ahead and submit my app.



yes i applied to the USA and I have shadowing experience.

both dentists i asked (friends of family or family of friends) allowed me to shadow, in addition to the offer given by my dentist (that i shadowed only for a few hours). I got about 60 hours of experience, and no one turned me down. You must just have bad luck. keep trying though, I'm sure you'll find someone and then it'll all be worth it because it's definitely worth the experience. I wrote a lot about my shadowing in my personal statement in the form of a reflection.

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It's actually really difficult. I was able to squeek 17 hours from one dentist before they got tired of me (I did ask for 30 hours). Luckily my family dentist was kind enough to let me do 40 hours.


Rest of the dentists I approached said no.


i offered people in the office coffee when i went for lunch. I brought an assortment of fresh fruits every couple days i went in....

and I tried to remain as out of the way and polite as possible..

I'm sure you tried this too.. but perhaps these helped me?

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i offered people in the office coffee when i went for lunch. I brought an assortment of fresh fruits every couple days i went in....

and I tried to remain as out of the way and polite as possible..

I'm sure you tried this too.. but perhaps these helped me?


damn man...no, but i'm giong to be doing that from now on...sheesh, can't believe i didn't thnk of that.

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ive been to 4 interviews, and they ranged from:

-single person to panel interviews (3 ppl - student, prof, dentist)

-very laidback and conversational to more interrogative and confrontational

-treated like royalty guests, or treated like annoying cousins you're obligated to show around

-great food provided to no food provided

-meet cool fellow students, and some not so cool ones

-all great experiences

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ive been to 4 interviews, and they ranged from:

-single person to panel interviews (3 ppl - student, prof, dentist)

-very laidback and conversational to more interrogative and confrontational

-treated like royalty guests, or treated like annoying cousins you're obligated to show around

-great food provided to no food provided

-meet cool fellow students, and some not so cool ones

-all great experiences


can i ask where you interviewed at? and what your predents profile is? thanks.

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